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Exploration of the Network Connectivity Pattern of the Global Cities: A Case of the Airline Routes


全球化現象自二十一世紀以來已逐漸明顯,幾乎也已成爲現今的趨勢潮流,其影響的層面相當廣泛,包含城市內的各項元素如經濟、政治、社會、產業、貿易、文化、觀光等。在此全球網絡中,可將各城市視爲網絡節點,此種做法可繪製出全球城市間的連結網絡圖,使全球城市間的連結關係概念化,如此將會有利於探討城市間的網絡連結形態,找出網絡間較爲重要的影響關係爲何。 本文以新加坡航空公司之飛機航線網絡爲例,套用網絡科學中小世界網絡的三項指標計算公式來判斷全球城市網絡連結型態是否具備小世界特性。結果顯示新加坡航空公司之飛機航線網絡似乎不具備小世界網絡之特性,但再度檢視推算過程發現驗證結果的不符應是樣本選擇偏誤所造成的,因此本文認爲實證結果並無法完全推翻全球城市網絡連結型態是具備小世界特性之研究假說。此外,在小世界網絡的應用上,本文初步認爲可探討將小世界網絡之三項指標作爲評估城市競爭力之指標,藉以判斷各機場據點城市之競爭力。 本文之實證結果雖不如預期,但仍能間接證明小世界網絡分析方法是可行的,對於探討城市網絡的連結型態以及小世界網絡的應用也應有啟示。


Globalization has become an apparent phenomenon in the twenty first century. Its impacts are widely observed, including economical, political, societal, industrial, trading, cultural, and touring aspects. We can consider the cities as nodes in the global networks by mapping the chart of the connectivity relationship and generaling the connectivity concept of the global cities. It is useful to explore the network connectivity pattern of the cities and to find the important relationship in the network. The present paper shows the case of the Singapore airline route, judging the network connectivity pattern of the global cities to see whether it has the characteristic of the small-world network identified by the small-world theory of the network science. The result shows that the Singapore airline route does not have characteristic of the small-world network. However, the present paper chooses the inappropriate sample resulting in biased result through careful inspection of the calculation process, so the hypothesis that the network connectivity pattern has the characteristic of small-world network cannot be rejected by the experiment result. In addition, for the small-world network to be useful, the present paper preliminarily finds that the characteristic of the three indices of the small-world network can be used to identify the city competitiveness index to judge the competitiveness of the airport assicuated cities. Although the experimental result is beyond our expectation, it demonstrates that the analytic method of the small-world network is useful, inspiring the discussion of the network connectivity pattern of the global cities and the application of the small-world network.


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