  • 學位論文


The Study on the implementation of Data Envelopment Analysisin Service Industries-An Application to the Aviation

指導教授 : 楊錦洲


近年來服務業已迅速發展為我國經濟發展之主流,故其對於促進經濟發展實為扮演舉足輕重的角色。也由於我國服務業蓬勃發展,使得服務業者之間的競爭也愈來愈激烈,因此,對於國內各服務業者而言,研究如何提升經營績效以增進企業競爭力,以適應市場的變化與抵抗強烈之同業競爭,實存有探討之空間。 本研究主要為建立一般企業組織所適用之績效評估模式,並且運用近年來多數研究相行採用之資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA),以及相關統計軟體分析方法,套用於本研究所篩選服務業中某一航空公司14 條國內航線與國內四家主要經營國內航線之航空公司,以此兩案例作為實證分析對象。經由研究分析之結果顯示,本研究建立之績效評估模式中運用三大面向之評估:即成本效率、成本效果及服務效果,不但可明確地了解公司主要投入及產出之分配情形,更可整合公司在成本、服務及產出各方面之經營績效分析,作為下一經營階段之策略規劃與改善目標之參考。 綜合言之,本研究績效評估模式之建立與研究方法之設計,在配合案例實證分析之情形下,可符合一般企業組織作為績效評估或未來營運方向參考所採用之,而不論是服務業或製造業者階可依此績效評估模式,加以套用或予以衍伸使用,若不同行業業者可更進一步地納入有別於其他公司之特性或主要經營之準則等,以發展出一套屬於自己公司所擁用之績效評估模式,並且隨著市場變化及時間之轉變不斷更新,即可提升經營績效以期許獲得長期之利益。


Nowadays, service industries has developed rapidly and become the main stream of ecnomic development in Taiwan; therefore it is really in the important character of promoting economy. Also because of vigorous service industries development, that makes the intense competiton among all of the service industries. For the internal service industries, to study how to promote operation performance to increase the businiess competition to adapt to the market change and resist the competiton, that really exist some space to study. The main idea of the study is to establish a performance evluation model for general enterprises and organizations. To use Data Envelopment Analysis which is more popular recently and relavant statictical softs analysis, and give two cases, one is a certain airline company which operates fourteen internal air lines and the other is four air line companies. The result of these case studies show that all the three faces, cost efficiency, cost effictiveness, and servie effectiveness can not only let companies understand the distribution of input and output, but also integrate the operation performance analysis of cost, service, and ouput, to be the reference of the strategy plans and improvement in the next stage. To conclude, after using the cases to imitae the establishment of performance evaluation and the design of study method that really can prove it is fit for general enterprises and organizatons to be the reference in performance evaluation or operation direction in the future. No matter service industries or manufacturing industries which also can use or extend the performance evaluation model to develop another model which belongs their own company. Moreover they can also change and renew it because of the market variation and the time, to promote the opration performance or obtain the long time benefits.


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