  • 期刊


Study to the Original Concept of Roman Type Design-The Evolution of Typefaces in Venetian "Incunabula"




During the expansion of movable type print over Europe, the roman type, which was formed in Italy gradually, showed the result of renaissance graphic design, and became the major typeface used in text printing. The purpose of this study is originated from a center question: ”How the concept of roman prototype design was formed?” Thus, the incunabulum typeface used in Venice where was the publishing center of Italy in the 15th Century, is an important clue to figure out the original lettering style and concept of roman prototype. Also, it was the key point during the evolution of European roman type design. First, the basic knowledge is built to describe the development of roman types and Venetian fonts, by analyzing the documents and researching the sources of letterform (manuscripts and inscriptions as example). Then, the characteristics, such as forming structure, strokes, proportion, and layout spacing during the evolution, is classified and arranged through evident analyses and comparisons, with the representative typefaces of each step. According the conclusions as above, the original concepts of roman type design are annotated from the views of publishing markets, functions of books, and producing techniques. Following are the results to this research: There are three steps of the evolution of lettering motives: technically imitating the scripts, reading and composing functions, and book marketing; the concepts and methods of lettering and type design can be understood through four directions: (1) the harmonization between writing and geometrical drawing (2) lettering forms leaded by casting and carving (3) lettering structure based on the layout spacing (4) the agreement with strokes and visual reading movement. Then, the concepts pointed the ”old style” face in the 16th century, and the lettering aesthetics in renaissance as well.


Roman types Incunabula Venetian renaissance


Albrecht Duerer(1965).Of the Just Shaping of Letters.USA:Dover publishing Inc..
