  • 期刊


A Concept Map Approach to the Study of Knowledge Construction Processes in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning




Purpose-Through observation of learners' involvement and knowledge presentation in the virtual context, this study examines and clarifies the knowledge construction process in cumputer supported collaborative learning (CSCL). Design/methodology/approach-Analyzing discussions among learners in the virtual context, the study describes the knowledge construction process and investigates the learning models used in the interaction process. A concept map and content analysis approach is adopted to analyze the knowledge construction and interactive learning processes as well as to measure learning performance. Findings-Our first finding is that most virtual learners adopt a "hierarchies" and "relationships" mode to link relevant knowledge, and seldom use "cross-links" and "examples" to construct their knowledge. In light of this finding, the study advises that instructors should allow learners to continue to utilize the "hierarchies" and "relationships" ode and at the same time, encourage learners to adopt the "Cross-links" and "examples" learning mode. Secondly, our data reveals that a considerable number of learning activities in the virtual space consist of information sharing and comparison. Originality/value-This paper provides a concept mapping technology as a valuable tool to observe the knowledge construction process in the virtual context. Our data also shows only few learning activities involve knowledge verification or manipulation, indicating that CSCL may not help learners to engage in the learning or knowledge construction processes.


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