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  • OpenAccess

青紋細蟌Ischnura senegalensis(蜻蛉目:細蟌科)交配行爲初步研究

The Reproductive Strategy of Ischmura senegalensis (Rambur) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of polychromatism in adult Ischnura senegalensis and their reproductive strategy. Male adults were marked to investigate the relationship among male density, tandem and coupling duration. Male density did not affect the copulation duration. ANOVA was used to test copulation duration among different classes. The result did not detect a significant difference (F5, 114=1.318, P>0.05). Four female color patterns exerted different reproductive strategy. The Female-Orange type had the largest population (61.06%), and only 0.5171 of them had the chance to copulate. However, those individuals that did copulate have a medium number of times (5.36). The Female-Green and Male-Green type were the second highest population (18.25 and 18.59%). They had the highest ratio of copulating (0.654 and 0.660), but their numbers of copulating times were the lowest (4.676 and 4.086). The Male-Blue type had the lowest abundance (2.10%) and the lowest copulation ratio (0.375), but their numbers of copulating times were the highest (7.333).


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of polychromatism in adult Ischnura senegalensis and their reproductive strategy. Male adults were marked to investigate the relationship among male density, tandem and coupling duration. Male density did not affect the copulation duration. ANOVA was used to test copulation duration among different classes. The result did not detect a significant difference (F5, 114=1.318, P>0.05). Four female color patterns exerted different reproductive strategy. The Female-Orange type had the largest population (61.06%), and only 0.5171 of them had the chance to copulate. However, those individuals that did copulate have a medium number of times (5.36). The Female-Green and Male-Green type were the second highest population (18.25 and 18.59%). They had the highest ratio of copulating (0.654 and 0.660), but their numbers of copulating times were the lowest (4.676 and 4.086). The Male-Blue type had the lowest abundance (2.10%) and the lowest copulation ratio (0.375), but their numbers of copulating times were the highest (7.333).
