  • 期刊


The Government Restructure for Sports and Cultural Development


政府的價值不僅是提供服務,而是提供人民有價值的服務。基於此一理念,本文探討了人力資源發展與國家競爭力的關係,政府面臨科技與經社環境變動的挑戰,及分析討論運動發展的關係與環境,以作為討論政府組織與運動文化發展及文化建設的參考。 本文進一步比較不同組織型態在「國民對運動與文化需求」、「運動發展與文化建設」與「國家競爭力」之相關項目的效益,發現體委會併入教育部之綜合效益最低。體育部與文化部可各自在運動與文化相關項目發揮綜合效益。但是若以文化運動部整合文化與運動不僅有益於國人健康文化的需求,亦可整合文化與運動產業,結合資訊傳播,形成龐大創意休閒產業,在教育部的文化藝術教育與學校體育明確分工下,可進而配合知識經濟的發展,使國人在生活中學習,以建立「學習社會」,以滿足國人的自我成長需求。


A valued government is not only to provide services but also to provide value-added services to its people. As such, the connection between the nation's competitiveness and its human resource development, the challenges resulting from the changing technology industry and the fluctuated economic and social environment and the association of sporting development with its environment, which are discussed in this study, have further elaborate the relationships among government structure, sports & cultural development and cultural infrastructure. This study has made an in-depth analysis in order to compare efficiencies, which are simulated under different organizational formations, in the perspectives of ”Citizens' Needs in Sport and Culture”, ”Sporting Development and Cultural Infrastructures” and ”Nation's competitiveness”. In the analysis, it has revealed that the merger of National Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (NCPFS) and Ministry of Education (MOE) will generate a minimal efficiency outcome, whereas through the co-operation between NCPFS and Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA), both NCPFS and CCA may maximize the efficiencies in their responsible fields respectively. As such, it is recommended that the merger of NCPFS and CCA into a so-called ”Ministry of Culture and Sports” may meet the citizens' requirements of having cultural and healthy lifestyles by creating a leisure industry. The creative leisure industry is expected to be a potential industry given the outcomes of consolidation of cultural and sporting industries and auxiliaries from information and communications industries are immense. Additionally, clear differentiations of scopes in Cultural and Fine Arts Education and Sporting Education guided by MOE, which may also be aligned with the development in Knowledge-Based Economy, may provide citizens a self-learning environment and further establish a ”Learning Society”.


