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  • OpenAccess


Exploring the Experience and the Design Expectations in Using Assistive Technology: The Perspective of College Students with Disabilities




Background: While the population of college students with disabilities is growing, some studies indicated the significance of assistive technology to improve their quality of lives and supporting their learning in school. Objectives: The purpose of this study is investigate the experience of college students with disabilities in using assistive technology (AT), and explored their design expectations and needs in relation to AT. Methods: A semi-structured interview was used, including 25 college students with disabilities, 4 resource room teachers and 1 companion. Results: At first, AT is a tool which not only enhances learning achievements, enabling them to have a normal live, but also brings control power into their lives. Secondly, for the design expectations and needs for AT, the participants pointed out some important principles, such as safety, durability, independence and portability, as well as reducing cost and the stigma of using AT. For the design expectations, the participants focused on the function of the wheelchair raincoat, blind cane and video magnifier. For the final part, the lack of elevators, accessible desk and chair in classroom and transportation was the main environment barriers facing college students with disabilities. Conclusion: This study recommended that in order to make sure that AT designer understand what users need, the government should build an AT information integrated platform. Moreover, it was also important to create the barrier free environment in the school.


李垣漢、宋妤絃、許書萍、陳美芳(2015)。運用SAFE 方案提升輪椅使用者安全性之專案。品質月刊。51,9-16。
