  • 期刊


Nursing Experience with an Endemic Typhus Patient Being Weaned from a Mechanical Ventilator




This article prescribes an endemic typhus case complicated with respiratory failure. The patient was weaned successfully from the mechanical ventilator after a proper care process and treatment. The author collected data through observation, conversation, patient's chart report, and the assessment of Gordon 11 health functional patterns to ensure the case had the health problems including respiratory tract clearance dysfunction, physical activity disability, uncertain feeling, and a moderate dysfunctional ventilatory weaning response from 2011/02/09 to 2011/02/20. During the nursing process, the author discovered that the patient had psychiatric problems in addition to physical symptoms. The patient had a sense of uncertainty due to the unknown process and outcome of the treatment. The psychiatric problem also disturbed the patient and induced his anxiety. By establishing trust and offering disease information, the patient acquired enough knowledge about the treatment and was more confident to control the disease. At the same time, the author also associated the family supportive system and other professional medical teams about respiratory training. Therefore, the patient completed the treatment course and was successfully weaned from the mechanical ventilator. The author also hopes the experience can improve the nursing care profession and quality in the future.
