  • 期刊


Study of Ground Safety Operation of Airport through Analysis of Operational Risk Management Tools




Aircraft accidents/ incidents lead to devastating damage on human lives; however, most aircraft damage contributes to operational errors by ground crewmembers due to intensive workload. Investigations indicated that noncompliance on standard operation procedures (SOP), and lack of error management trainings are major contributing factors leading to such incidents. Current study, in application of Operational Risk Management (ORM) tools, is to investigate the potential risks of daily ground operational tasks avoiding ground incidents. Properly sorted those factors in accordance to their risk levels from high to low risks, control measures are provided to reduce the risk levels to an acceptable risk level. Risk factors requiring effective risk control management are as follows. The complex of technical orders (TOs) and unfamiliarity on operational procedures are the highest risks for ground operators; Improper monitoring positions and aircraft movement plans are environmental factors for error operations; and noncompliance on SOP for towing vehicle operations and wrong moving course of aircraft are major factors that crewmembers usually make mistake on ground operations.


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