  • 期刊


Changes in Sugar and Sugar Alcohol Concentrations during Vase and Supplemental Sugars to Extend Vase Life in Gerbera Cut Flowers


本研究分析非洲菊瓶插期間花序及花梗各部位乾重、水分及糖類與糖醇類濃度的變化,以探討對瓶插品質之影響。非洲菊‘Rosella ’切花瓶插第3至第5天為主要的乾重下降期,花托下5-10及10-15 cm花梗之乾重下降較花序及花梗其他部位更顯著。切花瓶插3天內有組織復水現象,各部位組織含水率於瓶插5天內持續上升,但花序及花托下5-25 cm花梗組織內含水重量於瓶插第3天已開始下降,花托下5 cm花梗之含水重量則至瓶插第5天才開始下降,且此段花梗之乾重於瓶插3天內顯著增加,顯示於採後仍持續生長。分析切花組織內各種糖類與醣醇類濃度,非洲菊‘Rosella ’切花含有高濃度之葡萄糖,其次為蔗糖及果糖,並含有木糖醇、肌醇及少量山梨糖醇。花梗中葡萄糖濃度於瓶插期間大幅下降。相較於花序及花托下10-20 cm之花梗,花托下10 cm花梗於瓶插期間可維持較高的糖類與糖醇類濃度。非洲菊‘Ching Shin Huang ’於含200 mg·L^(-1) 8-羥喹啉硫酸(8-Hydroxyl quinoline sulfate, 8-HQS)瓶插液之瓶插壽命為9.9天,90%的切花因花梗折曲而結束瓶插壽命,瓶插液中添加20 g·L^(-1)之葡萄糖、果糖或蔗糖,花梗折曲率皆可降為0,並大幅延長切花壽命,其中以添加葡萄糖者切花壽命延長為24.1天效果最顯著,瓶插於果糖及蔗糖溶液之壽命各為22.2及19.8天。


Changes in dry weight, water content, and soluble sugar and sugar alcohol concentration of inflorescences and various scape portions (25 cm below the capitulum, at intervals of 5 cm) in gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii H. Bolus. ex Hook. f.) during vase life were investigated. The results showed that the majority of the dry weight in 'Rosella' cut flower decreased during days 3-5 in vase, with the 5-10 and 10-15 cm scape portions reduced more dry weight as compared to inflorescence and other scape portions. Tissue rehydration of inflorescences and all portions of scapes occurred within three days in vases. The 5-25 cm scape portions started to decrease relative water weight (% of the initial) on day 5, whereas the top 5 cm scape portion still exhibited increased dry weight and did not decrease relative water weight until day 5 in vase. Analysis revealed that cut flowers of gerbera 'Rosella' had high concentration of glucose, followed by sucrose and fructose, and also had xylitol and myo-inositol. Glucose concentration in scapes decreased rapidly during vase. The top 10 cm scapes maintained higher sum of sugar and sugar alcohol concentrations than the 10-20 cm scape portions and the inflorescences. Scape bending of 'Ching Shin Huang' gerbera cut flower could be prevented with vase solution containing 20 g·L^(-1) glucose, fructose or sucrose and 200 mg·L^(-1) 8-HQS. Vase life of cut flowers was extend to 24.1 days in the vase solution containing 20 g·L^(-1) glucose, as compared to 22.2 days in fructose and 19.8 days in sucrose.


bend neck carbohydrate pulsing scape bending vase life
