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Analysis on the Attach and Defense Skills Used by Chinese Taipei at 2006 World University Handball Championship




Purposes: This study aims to understand the differences and associations between the attack and defense skills used by women's university handball teams from Chinese Taipei and other countries. Method: The official attack and defense records of 2006 World University Handball Championship were arranged and analyzed in this research, and χ^2 tests were conducted to compare the differences and relationships between the attack and defense skills used by the Chinese Taipei team, the competitors from other parts of the world, and the three winning teams. Results: The differences and relationships in attack and defense methods between our team and the team representing Japan and Poland are insignificant. However, in comparison to teams from other countries, there were major differences in shot positions and in various attack and defense skills. Hungary was much more successful than our team on making successful shots in general; our 9 m shooting success rate was apparently higher than that of Lithuania; and our overall interception and suspension rates were apparently higher than contesting teams. In comparison to the three winning teams, they performed better than Chinese Taipei around the 6 m line and in fast breaks. Conclusion: our women's handball team had performed well in terms of 9 m shooting and interceptions. However, on the fast breaks, attack and defense skills around the 6 m line, as well as lowering down the suspension rate, there was still room for improvement.


