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Discuss the Issues of Female Subjectivity and Construction of Multi-gender Consciousness in "The Colors Belong to Females" by Fen-Ling Chou


周芬伶在《汝色》這本散文集中,對女性主體在家庭或社會裡如何觀看自身有其別具一格的看法。她透過書寫各式女性困境,展現其追求真理並建構多元性別意識的意圖,指出自己以女性身分在書寫時更要打破存在已久的藩籬。周芬伶的散文書寫風格強烈投射出「陰性書寫」的特質。法國女性主義學家伊蓮娜‧西蘇(Hélène Cixous)提出「陰性書寫」(L'écriture feminine)的主張,她認為在男性霸權下的社會,即便女性有其發聲管道,女性所擁有的書寫權仍然是「歌聲的回聲」,也就是附著於男性視界中書寫,何況許多女人在男性為主的場域,或是婚姻狀態或是職場,仍被剝奪其發聲權利。本文中,筆者嘗試援引伊蓮娜‧西蘇在〈美杜莎的笑聲〉(The Laugh of Medusa)一文所主張的「女性多元化寫作」概念來進行文本分析。西蘇認為,「婦女必須寫婦女」,唯有透過女性自主書寫,而不是透過男人書寫女人才連繫到女性主體。由此,逐步分析《汝色》如何從取材自眾多女性的生命經驗,去建構一種新的女性主體,以及作者在書寫具有多元性別角色的同時,本身女性的敘述主體又如何於文本之中產生流動與變動。


Fen-Ling Chou shows her unique perspective on "The colors belong to females" which focus on how females see themselves in families and socities. Through writing various hard circumstances that females may confront, Fen-Ling Chou sheds light on discovering the truths and constructing multi-gender consciousness. Moreover, she expects herself, as a female writer, can break the restricted frameworks. It is clear to see the features of L'écriture feminine in Fen-Ling Chou's literary works. According to Hélène Cixous, L'écriture feminine refers to the deprivation of the rights for females to present their opinions in the male dominant fields. Even females can share their opinions in the public, to a great extent they still under the authority of males. The author tries to cite the concept of female multi-writing from Hélène Cixous. Hélène Cixous believes that female writers must write about the stories of female. Through female dominant writing, it is easier to connect to female subjectivity. Based on this thesis, the author would like to analyze how Fen-Ling Chou in "The colors belong to females" combines different experience from various female lives to construct newly identities. The author also discusses Fen-Ling Chou as a female narrative herself to what extent she can present herself in the context.


