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On the Raise of Stress Resistance from Su Tungpo's Life Attitude: the Analysis of his Ci Works before the Wu Tai Poem Case




蘇軾 宋詞 生命態度 壓力 抗壓性


In psychology, stress is defined as a person's psychological reaction to his/her life events. In other words, the stress of life comes from one's frustration(s) in life. The stressor can be a threatening, oppression or fear. As for the stress resistance, it is defined as one's competence to cope with stressors. People with high stress resistance tend to manage their stresses in a positive and endurable way. This study intends to analyzes Su Tungpo's works of Ci poetry before his first remote trip of exile (1080-1086) was to Huangzhou. Before then, his life attitudes were flexible and open. He acknowledged the incompleteness of one's life. In addition to our appreciation of the beautiful images of his works, we can extract his wisdom towards difficulties in life. Su's success comes from how he conquered the challenges after the Wu Tai Poem Case.


Su Tungpo Ci life attitudes stress stress resistance
