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Mangrove Forest Depletion, Biodiversity Loss and Traditional Resources Management Practices in the Niger Delta, Nigeria


The mangrove forest of the Niger Delta is of high economic value to the local people as well as National Development generally. The mangrove forest is rich in both aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity as such a major source of rural life sustenance in the region as well as plays a vital role in ecosystems stabilization. However, unfortunately, the Mangrove forest in recent times has been subjected to the effects of a growing population, economic and social pressures manifested in the form of rapid urbanization, agricultural land expansion and industrialization. Thus, there is a steady deforestation of the mangrove forest and loss of biodiversity in the region. The mangrove forest is not under any known form of protection and or laws and strategies of biological resource conservation in Nigeria. And even in areas where they seem to exist, they have alienated the knowledge systems and practices of the local people. This paper therefore aims at examining the rate of exploitation of these mangrove resources and the traditional resource management practices of the people, as a strategy for mangrove forest resource conservation in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Thus, using a simple random sampling technique (use of table of random digits), ten (10) communities from two states of the Niger Delta (Delta & Rivers States) were selected as samples for the study. Also, using mainly primary data generated on the field through the use of structured questionnaire and analysed in percentages, the authors found out as follows: That rural livelihood the area depends on the exploitation of the mangrove resources as such there is over exploitation and rapid loss of these resources; that the mangrove forest is not in any known form of protection; that the local people have an efficient way of protecting and conserving their resources which could be exploited to enhance mangrove resource conservation in the region. Thus, the paper recommends that policy makers and planners should enlighten the local people on the dangers of over exploitation and encourage them to strengthen these traditional resource management practices.
