  • 期刊

The Peh-ōe-jī romanization, evangelicalism, and knowledge transmission in Taiwan

Peh-ōe-jī tī台灣早期ê福音傳道kah智識傳播


The spread of the Peh-ōe-jī (POJ) romanization in Taiwan is closely associated with evangelicalism and knowledge transmission. This article argues that the early promotion of the POJ can be understood in the context of how European Presbyterian missions bolstered evangelicalism in terms of teaching POJ to Han-ji (Chinese script) illiterates and thus encouraged them to participate in religious practices. From the 1860s to the early Japanese occupation, POJ served two fundamental functions to Taiwan society. Firstly, it was a prerequisite for baptism into the British Presbyterian Church and a critical religious tool through which Christian doctrines and knowledge were spread to POJ users. Secondly, taking advantage of its ease and simplicity as an auxiliary device, church educators encouraged POJ leaners to recognize Han-ji transcribed in POJ for further acquisition of local culture. This article thus pays considerable attention to what roles the Romanized script and POJ users in Taiwan had played in enriching our understanding of how foreign missionaries adapted themselves to local language and cultural ecology by means of creating POJ literacy in the late 19^(th) century.


Peh-ōe-j(白話字)tī早期主要透過福音傳道kah智識傳播來推廣。本文主張早期êPeh-ōe-jī推廣,需要khǹg tī長老教會透過教漢字青盲牛Pehōe-jī,閣鼓勵信徒參與宗教活動ê架構下理解。Ùi 1860年代英國tī台灣行使天津條約簽訂ê傳教權,一直到日本統治台灣早期,Peh-ōe-jī對台灣社會有兩項重要ê功能:第一,伊是受洗成做長老教會信徒ê必要條件,嘛是傳播基督教信仰kah西方智識ê核心工具;第二,因為Peh-ōe-jī簡單好學,傳教士m-nā kā白話字當做oh漢字ê輔助文字,嘛kā伊當做獨立ê文字,透過教會ê觀點,用Peh-ōe-jī解說經典。用這个方法來認bat在地文化。本文自按呢特別關注tī台灣ê語言文化生態下,傳教士按怎透過調適ê策略,一方面牽引Peh-ōe-jī當做基督教傳教ê工具,一方面將Peh-ōe-jī kah漢字融合形成互助關係。Chiah-ê融合策略對白話字ê推廣有幫助,mā進一步說明需要kā Peh-ōe-jī ê推廣當做社會實踐,tī社會歷史環境中,理解伊傳播ê方式。


白話字 羅馬字 福音傳道 智識傳播 台語


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