  • 期刊


New Service Development Model for Property Management Company


現今物管公司需面對多元化的客戶,除了提供基本核心服務外,為滿足異質顧客之特殊需求,新服務的提供有其必要性,藉以增加產品的完整性與價值,提升公司的服務品質和產業競爭力。由於物業管理公司可提供的專業服務範疇可分成三大類:(一)建築物與環境管理、(二)生活與商業服務、(三)資產管理。然而物業管理所涵蓋之營業範圍廣泛,若公司無法提供顧客所需的服務時,則會產生服務缺項(service vacancy),影響其公司的服務品質。管理者如何面對服務缺項,設計滿足異質顧客需求的服務,將成為業者應思考的重要課題。為此,本研究提出一個三維度的「服務發展架構(service development architecture)」,透過x-y平面的服務定位工具-「服務地圖(service map)」,以圖像化方式建立服務需求地圖(DSM)與服務供給地圖(PSM),呈現出服務供需的狀況。另將地圖套疊後,可分析服務供需的差異情形,並在地圖上定位新服務的發展方向。最後,透過服務藍圖(service blueprint)架構,設計z維度的新服務內容。此一「新服務發展模式」提供管理者一個創新服務設計之思維與方針,藉以找尋並設計符合顧客關鍵需求之新服務。


Due to the nature of service orientation, high service quality is commonly pursued by property management companies (PMCs). Generally, the professional services provided by PMCs could be summarized into three categories, namely (1) Building/Facility maintenance, (2) home-life/commercial-added services, and (3) real assets management. Variant services would be necessarily provided to meet heterogeneous clients' requirements. Accordingly, not only basic/common services respectively within each category need to serve, but new/creative services are essential for keeping PMCs' competition advantages. To this end, a three-dimension property management service architecture was proposed to generate the new service development model for PMCs. In the model, using the service map, the x-y plan of the property management architecture which is a graphical service positioning tool created by this study, Demand Service Map (DSM) and Providing Service Map (PSM) can be generated to delineate clients' service requirements and PMCs' service providing focuses respectively. Then, the service vacancy can be discovered with overlapping analysis between DSM and PSM.Accordingly, the new service product with its context, the z dimension of the property management service architecture, can finally be designed corresponding to the service vacancy by using axiomatic design methodology and service blueprint philosophy. Finally a real case study was illustrated to validate the feasibility of the proposed method in this research.


