  • 期刊

NVivo 10在學校行政質性研究之運用:以「校長處理學校人情世故之訪談」一案為例

Applied NVivo 10 to the Qualitative Research of School Administration: Taking "The Interviews of the Elementary School Principals Dealing with Favor (Renqing)" as an Example


傳統臺灣學校行政研究多半偏向量化研究,近年來,由於研究派典轉變,質性研究大量出現在學校行政的領域,使用歸納的方式,質性研究蒐集與分析資料以形成理論,透過與研究主體交流,質性研究是一種建構行為意義與獲得分析詮釋的活動,本研究的主要目的在介紹國際目前最新、也最強大的電腦輔助質性研究軟體,NVivo 10(簡稱N10),N10是一種強而有力以編碼為基礎的軟體,希望透過本文示範讓研究者運用這套軟體在質性研究上。相較於過去版本,最新的NVivo 10在2012年六月發行提供研究者更多功能來擷取網頁、PDFs、與社交媒體資料:如臉書(Facebook)、鄰客音(LinkedIn)或推特(Twitter),它也可透過伺服器連結研究者。在臺灣,鮮少研究者以質性研究進行學校行政方面的研究,且多數研究者視質化研究為主觀方法,因此,N10如何應用在臺灣學校行政上對質性研究者而言是一項重要議題。本研究我以N10處理「校長處理學校人情世故之訪談」一案說明該軟體在學校行政上的運用。研究發現五位校長會運用人情建立社會交換關係,強化與他人關係,提升學校的利益。


質性研究 學校行政


Traditional Taiwanese researches of school administration mostly favor quantitative researches. In recent years, due to the pattern transition of researches, qualitative researches appeared abundantly in the fields of school administration. Using the inductive method, qualitative researchers collect and analyze data to a theory. Through the interaction with the subjects, qualitative research is a kind of activity to construct behavioral meaning and obtain an analytical interpretation. The study was aimed at introducing the newest version and the most powerful CAQDAs, NVivo10 (abbreviation N10). N10 was a kind of powerful code-based software. It was expected that researchers should use N10 and apply it to qualitative research. Compared with the old versions of NVivo series, the newest version of NVivo released in June 2012 offers more functions with which researchers can capture web pages, PDFs and social media data--for example, from Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. It also connects researchers by way of the server. In Taiwan, seldom did researchers do research with qualitative research methods in school administration. Besides, most researchers deemed qualitative research as a subjective method. Therefore, how N10 is applied to school administration in Taiwan is an important issue for qualitative researchers. In this study, I used N10 to apply to the study of ”The Interviews of the Elementary School Principals Dealing with Favor (Ren-qing).”The findings of this study found that the five principals used Renqing to connect social exchange and to strengthen the relationships with others, as well as to take care of the benefits of their schools.


郭玉霞編(2009)。質性研究資料分析:Nvivo 8活用寶典。臺北:高等。
劉世閔(2008)。教育研究法:質性研究電腦輔助軟體常見詞彙(六):NVivo 8。教育研究月刊。171,111-114。
