  • 期刊


The Effects of Goal-setting and Regular Yoga on Muscular Strength of the Menopausal Women


目的:本研究探討目標設定對更年期婦女規律每日15分鐘瑜珈運動及肌耐力之影響。方法:以目標設定策略介入12週之規律每日15分鐘的瑜珈運動,對象為沒有運動習慣的更年期婦女,共18名實驗參加者,實驗組(54.5 ± 8.7歲)及控制組(52.8 ± 7.6歲)各9名。實驗組前8週每週給予一次回饋會議,於實驗開始前進行前測及記錄原來之每週運動次數。檢測及記錄項目包括每週運動次數、一分鐘仰臥起坐次數及chaturanga次數,第8週時二組分別進行後測,第9至12週時進行保留測驗。研究依變項包括平均每週運動次數、腹部肌力、上肢肌力,統計方法為成對樣本T檢定,顯著差異水準定為α = .05。結果:(1)8週後平均每週運動次數,實驗組與控制組皆達顯著進步。(2)二組的腹部肌力及上肢肌力在前後測方面皆無顯著差異。(3)第9至12週保留期間,二組的平均每週運動次數無顯著差異,表示實驗組仍有良好保留效果。二組的腹部肌力無顯著差異,上肢肌力方面則是實驗組優於控制組。結論:(1)無運動習慣之更年期婦女在8週的目標設定及每週一次的回饋會議下進行每天15分鐘的瑜珈運動,達到每週平均運動次數增加及肌力進步。(2)有目標設定的實驗組,在9~12週的保留期中,其每週運動次數得到良好的保留效果,且其上肢肌力優於控制組。


目標設定 更年期 瑜珈 規律運動


Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of goal-setting and the regular 15-mintue yoga on the muscular strength of the menopausal women. Method: The 12-weeks goal-setting strategy with yoga practice 15-minute daily was intervened to 18 menopausal women who had no regular exercise. The participants were randomly assigned into the experimental group (N = 9,54.5 ± 8.7 years old) and control group (N = 9,52.8 ± 7.6 years old). The experimental group preceded a feedback meeting once a week in the first 8 weeks. The dependant variables included the exercise frequency per week, the number of sit-ups in a minute, and the number of chaturanga. Both groups were retested in the retention period of the 9-12 weeks. The Paired-Samples t Test were applied with alpha value set at .05. The dependent variables included exercise frequency per week, abdominal and upper limbs muscle strength. Result: 1. After 8 weeks, the significant differences were found in the exercise frequencies of both groups. 2. For the abdominal and upper limbs muscle strength, both groups showed non-significant differences in the within Paired-Samples t Test. 3. The exercise frequency was kept in the retention period of the 9-12 weeks in the experimental group. And the upper limbs muscle strength of the experimental group was significant better than that of the control group in the retention test; while no difference was found for the abdominal muscle strength between two groups. Conclusion: 1. The sedentary menopausal women could benefit from the 8 weeks goal-setting and feedback meeting weekly with the 15-minute yoga exercise every day, which can increase the exercise frequency and muscle strength. 2 The exercise frequency and upper limbs muscle strength of the goal-setting group could extend the effects to the retention period of the 9-12 weeks.


goal setting menopause yoga regular exercise


內政部統計處(2013)。101 年國人零歲平均餘命初步統計結果。取自http://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/。檔案取得日期:2013 年7 月20 日。
前行政院體委會(2013)。前行政院體育委員會101 年度推動性別主流化成果報告。取自http://www.gec.ey.gov.tw/Upload/RelFile/1699/697773/a21406fa-be50-4542-8f1e-82edcbd6f5e.pdf。檔案取得日期:2013 年7 月20 日。
