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An Assessment on the Strategy of Emergency Medical Service for Mass Casualty Incidents - A Case Study of the Flash Fire at Formosa Fun Coast Water Park




Background: More than half of world's population lived in cities in 2008. It is expected that 70% of world population will live in urban area by 2050 and means mass causality cannot be avoided in near future in case of emergencies. Purpose: To infer whether different strategies on Emergency Medical Service (EMS) might reduce wait time at the scene and, therefore, death rates among casualties arriving at hospital following a mass casualty incident (MCI), and to propose response measures for similar MCIs based on the particularities of this case in the future. Methods: An incident titled "Color Play Asia" party, which occurred on 27 June, 2015, in Taiwan, causing 499 burn injuries, was used in the case study. Ignoring self-care and buddy escort, the study focused on 127 patients transported by ambulances of New Taipei City as sample data with various scenarios related to mobilization capacity, transportation control, dispatching rate, and triage methods. The subgroup variables for sorting, particularly on transportation control, focused on the number of patient subgroups; the number of patients in each of the subgroups; the deterioration rate of each patient; the interval between ambulance arrivals and departures; the distance between the site and the hospital. Results: The ambulance requirement for a mass casualty incident is highly dependent on the total injuries, and the dispatch rate is closely related to patients' wait time for transportation to hospital based on the scenario simulation. In this case, the demand for ambulances during the response process was reduced and average wait time was increased when adopting SGS instead of FIFO used in this EMS operation. This results were unsatisfactory for both ambulance demands and waiting time simultaneously. More importantly, however, when this subgroup sorting method was employed, patient monitoring became easy during transportation due to the average loading. Conclusions: Some problems regarding EMS operation and field response in practice were identified, and the countermeasures were proposed to cope with through this case study. A system utilizing scenario simulations was developed in order to compare the differences of mobilized ambulances, arrival rate, triage methods and transportation arrangements which are usually applied 'on the ground' in a mass casualty incident. It is anticipated that the precise survival calculations on MCI response can be beneficial to deploy emergency medical resources.


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