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On-site Operation Simulation of Emergency Medical Services for single buildings collapse - Using Tainan Earthquake as an Example


本文描述單一建築物倒塌的大量傷傷患事故的特性,並說明此類事故緊急救護所需的應變規劃,希望運用模擬模型來結合計畫演練,以提高災害整備水準,特別是透過模擬模型,進行“假設"分析來預測可能情境的結果,第一線應變人員可依模擬模型預測結果,作為訓練標準化的參考;因此,本文將以離散事件模擬理論,提出該事故大傷樣態緊急救護評估的隨機模型與模擬方法,案例研究採用2016年2月6日在台灣發生的“0206台南地震"事件,該事故經72小時搜救後,造成115人死亡以及96人受傷,透過不同的虛擬和隨機的到院前情境,運用Visual Basic撰寫程式來進行嘗試性模擬,經由模擬結果分析,很容易發現投入資源的效能,進而評估現場應變系統的有效性,提供檢討緊急應變計劃及未來多棟倒塌災害資源分配的參考。


In this study, the characteristics of a mass casualty incident (MCI) for a single building collapse are outlined. Planning for the efficient response of such emergency medical service (EMS) is described. The level of preparedness for disasters can be increased using simulation models in conjunction with drills. With the simulation model, "what-if" analyses are carried out to predict the consequences of conceivable scenarios. First responders will find such computer simulation models a useful reference to their standard training. Therefore, a stochastic modeling and simulating method for such type of EMS/MCI evaluation is proposed based on the Discrete Event Simulation theory. An incident titled "0206 Tainan Earthquake", which occurred on February 6, 2016, causing 115 death and 96 injuries was used in the case study. With different virtual and stochastic pre-hospital scenarios, the relevant simulation model is constructed with the Visual Basic programming explicitly. Through trial simulation and analysis, it is easy to discover the performance of resource deployment, to evaluate the EMS/MCI system and to provide the emergency operation plan and the future allocation of resources for multiple collapse disasters as a reference based on such incident situation.


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