  • 期刊


Effects of Different Sugars on the Quality of Sugar-Syrupping Sweet Potato


本研究為探討果寡糖與蔗糖對於糖漬甘藷(Sugar-syrupping sweet potato, SSP)品質之影響,結果發現以果寡糖(Fructooligosaccarides, FOS)糖漬之甘藷的外觀隨著糖漬時間之拉長,而呈現邊緣透明化且較以蔗糖糖漬者表面光亮度較高之現象。而隨著糖漬及乾燥時間之增加,SSP糖度皆有增加之趨勢。糖漬處理可以降低SSP之水活性,也會造成亮度、黃色度與白度指數下降。以FOS糖漬之SSP之還原糖含量高於以蔗糖糖漬者,同時褐變程度及細胞皺縮狀況比以蔗糖糖漬者明顯。以FOS糖漬之SSP的硬度、膠質感及咀嚼性優於以蔗糖糖漬者,惟整體接受度是以蔗糖糖漬3.5 hr、乾燥16 hr之糖漬甘藷為最佳。


果寡糖 糖漬甘藷 白度指數


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of fructooligosaccarides (FOS) and sucrose on the quality of sugar-syrupping sweet potato (SSP). The results revealed that increase with the pickling time the appearance of SSP which syrupped with FOS was more transparent and brighter than that of syrupped with sugar. The sugar content of the SSP has an increasing trend increased with the pickling and drying time. The syruping treatment can reduce the water activity of the SSP, and also decrease the lightness, yellowness and whiteness index. The content of reducing sugar of sugar-syrupping with FOS was higher than that of syrupped with sucrose, meanwhile, the degree of browning and cell shrinkage were more obvious than the later. The hardness, gumminess and chewiness of SSP syrupped with FOS were better than that of syrupped with sucrose; however, the highest overall acceptance was the syrupped with sucrose for 3.5 hr and dried for 16 hr.
