  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Web-Based Maintenance and Enhancement of the Iftomm Dictionary and Its Use for the Information Retrieval in Dmg-Lib


Over the years the IFToMM dictionary has been grown up to a comprehensive digital resource which can be used as dictionary, thesaurus, taxonomy as well as glossary in several languages in parallel. Regarding today's needs of information retrieval in digital libraries it makes sense to see the IFToMM-terminology dataset as an expandable semantic network which can be used to solve different retrieval problems in digital libraries providing content on mechanisms and machine science and to support the understanding of foreign language information in this field. The article presents the DMG-Lib as such a digital library and shows, how the content of the IFToMM dictionary can be used to improve the retrieval process. Furthermore the implementation of applications is discussed, e.g. how the IFToMM dictionary content can be extended and how the maintenance process of the IFToMM dictionary can be supported by online tools.
