  • 學位論文


The Engagement of Mixed Martial Arts - Violence or Force?

指導教授 : 孫中興


綜合格鬥為近年來快速興起,被視為非常暴力危險的技擊運動。本研究嘗試回答以下的問題:1.綜合格鬥本身是否為非常危險暴力的運動。2.綜合格鬥參與者是否是因為暴力的因素,亦即享受傷害他人,而參與這項技擊運動。3.參與綜合格鬥是否會讓參與者變得更加暴力,更容易使用暴力的手段解決衝突。 本研究發現,首先,綜合格鬥相較於其他技擊運動,確實看起來較為暴力、風險也比較高;綜合格鬥也被視為是相對貼近真實打鬥的技擊運動。其次,參與者本身並不是因為享受暴力而參與綜合格鬥這項技擊運動。綜合格鬥因為其相對高風險的特質,被參與者視為一種鍛鍊身心的方法。最後,參與綜合格鬥不會讓參與者更容易使用暴力手段解決衝突,反而會抑制暴力手段的使用。參與者僅將其技巧用於比賽與防身自衛的用途。據此,暴力並不是綜合格鬥核心的部分。


綜合格鬥 暴力 風險 犯險 身體技術


Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a combat sport growing rapidly in recent years, which being regarded as an extreme violent and dangerous activity. This paper tries to answer questions below:1. Is MMA itself an extreme violent and dangerous activity? 2. Do the participants engage MMA due to the violence, which means enjoy hurting others? 3. Does engage in MMA made participants more violent, prone to resolve conflicts with violence? The study presents three discoveries. First, compare to other combat sports, MMA indeed appears more violent and dangerous. It is also the combat sport being view as real combat. Second, enjoying violence is not the reason those participate MMA. Due to its relatively high risk characteristic, MMA is being taken as a method to enhance body and mind. Finally, engaging in MMA will not let participants willing to solve conflicts with violence. Rather, it restrains the impulse to resort to violence. Participants only use its techniques to competition and self-defense. Based on these research findings, violence is not the core of MMA.


mixed martial arts violence risk edgework body techniques


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