  • 學位論文


A study focused on the improvement of the service processes -Using an object development processes of a public real estate company as the study case

指導教授 : 謝明慧 郭瑞祥


台灣服務業的產值目前已達GDP七成以上,已正式邁入服務業國家。房地產是經濟繁榮、政治安定等總體經濟景氣火車頭的指標產業,而在房地產的買賣亦因國民所得提高,經濟改善,加上投資理財多元及地球村影響,使單純的自用、居住的功能變成涉及到投資、理財、節稅等金融特質,因此,從事房地產居間買賣仲介服務的房仲產業已逐漸轉變為『金融服務業』。 在政府打房措施實施後,已明顯影響到房地產的交易量,尤以奢侈稅影響最為顯著,讓整個買賣交易量明顯下滑。 房仲業者的管理階層在消費意識、消費型態改變的環境下,面對市場競爭的白熱化再加上政策面的影響,造成其對營運的績效穩定與成長面臨極大的挑戰,同時也讓管理階層體會到唯有不斷地創造令顧客感動的服務及提升自身營運管理體質,才能建立良好的客戶關係與忠誠度,以吸引更多客戶並進而創造更多商機。 本研究課題以服務業流程改善為核心,以一家上市的房屋仲介公司在物件開發管理上為實例,作為個案研究與理論驗證的對象。 欲透過五力分析、產業價值鏈分析、價值網分析模型為基礎,採用質性研究中的個案分析法,以進行次級資料分析及重要人物訪談,並應用六標準差做為流程改善的手法,來改善在賣方端的開發物件流程。研究發現,經紀人的特質與能力及仲介分店立地位置會是影響委託流程的變項,亦同時發現在「人脈經營」上,雖然很難有量化的評估改善數據,但在回饋的成效上卻有加乘效果,此現象在一般製造業上是少見的。研究結果驗證,六標準差不僅適用於製造流程的改善,也適用於服務業的服務流程改善。 謹建議個案公司應該透過改善以下各方面,人才培育、感動服務與各仲介分店間的資源管理與運用,才能持續於物件開發服務流程改善,以創造更高的服務價值與績效。


Taiwan has already been a member of the service industry countries, for its service industry output value has reached above GDP 70% at present. The real estate industry, as a sign of economic prosperity and political stability, can be regarded as a representative of the service industries. Meanwhile, because of the increase of GNP, the improvement of economic status, the diversification of financial management, and the globalization trend, the roll of real estates has shifted from purely self-usage to a method of financial and tax saving planning strategy, especially for the high asset group. Therefore, the real estate industry has already gradually transformed into the 'financial service industry'. However, after the governmental policies to cool real estate speculation in Taiwan, the trading volume shrinks greatly. Among all the policies, the luxury tax influences the real estates market most profoundly. The real estate agents are now facing a bigger challenge on the sales growth due to the harsh competition and the official cooling policies than ever. The management echelon of real estate industries has been gradually aware that the key factor to create business opportunities is the maintenance of customer relationship and customer loyalty. To achieve this, providing touching service and improving managerial quality are the most important of all. Through the improvement of services of the exploration processes of possible selling objects, a real estate agent can maintain its sales revenue, and create higher sales growth and profit This study is focused on the improvement of the service processes of a public real estate company, using the object development of this company as the study case. The analysis is qualitative. Different academic theories, such as Porter’s five forces analysis, Industrial value chain analysis, and value net analysis, are used as the basic methods to analyze and support the author’s thesis. In addition, the interview of some key persons in the real estate industry is used as an auxiliary method to analyze how to improve the service processes. Six sigma is used as the method to the improvement of the service of the exploration process of the selling processes. It is found that the ability and personal characters of the realtors, and the location of a real estate agent are deciding factors during the processes of properties exploration, too. Meanwhile, the social network of the realtors also influences the result of properties exploration process greatly, though this is difficult to be evaluated quantitatively. Also, this is a distinguishing point of real estate industries to the manufacturing industries. Through this study, the author finds that six sigma is a suitable method for improvement of the property exploration processes. That is, six sigma can be well applied to improving processes of not only manufacturing industries but also the service industries. Finally, the author suggests that in order to create higher service standard and the sales revenue, real estate agents should continue on the improvement of the service quality during object exploration processes through the improvement on different aspects, such as personnel training, providing touching services, and the share of resources between different branches of the agents, etc.


Six Sigma process improvement estate service


4.丁惠民譯,Michael L. George, David Rowlands, Mark Price, John Maxey原著,「精實六標準差工具手冊」,民國95年。
