  • 學位論文

情報與歷史 ─ 岡崎久彥建構的日本、中國與世界

Intelligence and History – Hisahiko Okazaki’s writings on Japan, China and the World

指導教授 : 石之瑜


本文旨在探討日本外交官岡崎久彥的論述特色與其中國認識。其論述特色首先強調分析公開「情報」,重視對美情報,並希望藉此改變日本的情報體制。更在情報方法中,推展出「盎格魯薩克遜」論,認為日本應該營造如同英美關係般的日美關係;其次,強調「歷史」,認為應該去除掉一切「偏向史觀」,只以順應國際局勢的「國家利益」做為標準,衡量歷史人物與事件,而不該只單純用道德衡量。在其中國認識上,岡崎高喊「中國威脅論」,在「現實主義」邏輯下,認為強大即是威脅,因此值得日本警戒;但他認為經濟議題與政治議題不同,因此不需避免與中國的經濟文化交流。此外,由於臺灣是最容易造成中美衝突的原因,故日本應該重視臺灣,更因視臺灣問題為日本問題。綜合以上,岡崎久彥的思想特性雖有部分與極右派重疊,但仍應歸類在所謂「親美保守派」當中。 岡崎久彥的世界觀是以美國為頂點,認為日本應自主的協助美國維持國際秩序。因此是一種退出亞洲,並在加入美國後,再轉過頭來認識中國的想法。


情報 歷史 中國威脅論 親美 保守


The thesis aims to summarize the writings of Japanese diplomat Hisahiko Okazaki to know his Chinese understanding. First, Okazaki emphasizes the importance of “public intelligence”, especially the intelligence of the US. Through this, he wants to improve the intelligence system of Japan. Okazaki plays the emphasis on the importance of Anglo-Saxon, and thinks that Japan needs to create good Japan-US relations, just like the US-British relations. Second, he lays emphasis on “history”, and insists on rejecting the bias of written history. He thinks that the history should be measured by the standard of “national interest”, not moral. About the Chinese understanding, Okazaki advocates the “China threat”. According to the logic of realism, “power is threat”, Japan needs to warn the rise of China. But he also thinks that the economy is different from the politics, Japan does not need to avoid the economical and cultural communications with China. Besides, Taiwan is the most probably reason to make the conflict between China and the US, so Okazaki emphasizes on the importance of Taiwan, even claims that “the Taiwan problems are also Japan problems.” Based on the above, Okazaki’s thinking is partly similar to the right wing, but it is much more close to the “Pro-American conservative.” The world view of Hisahiko Okazaki shows that the US is on the top of the world. He thinks that Japan has to help the US to maintain the status quo by their conscious. So he withdraws from the Asia to join the US, and then to understand China.


Intelligence History China threat Pro-American Conservative


