  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 柯承恩


在開發中國家,建築營建相關之產業,是明星產業,台灣之建築與營建相關產業在70年代及80年代,曾經是紅極一時之熱門產業。台灣已逐漸邁入已開發國家,且近年來受到國內外政治及經濟環境之影響,再加上近年來生育率不斷下降,人口持續遞減的趨勢,顯示建築物新建的需求將持續減少,建築與營建產業已不如以前那麼風光。雖然需求節節下降,競爭還是很激烈,導致相關業者獲利率節節下降。傳統建築師與專業技師較專注於規劃與設計階段之技術服務提供,營造商則較專注於新建工程之營造服務。在這市場逐漸減小的環境下,建築專業業者開始思考如何擴大業務面,推展其專業服務到設施資產產業營運與維護階段之服務。 在設施資產產業營運與維護階段,建築專業業者可以考慮參與物業管理產業、提供設施資產生命週期資訊整合服務、提供營運維護階段之建築專業服務…等,擴展業務之範圍。 經研究發現台灣建築師及專業技師之規模都很小,獲利率也很低,營造廠及專業分包商的規模也不大,目前涉入營運與維護階段之業者仍以提供建築專業服務居多,但是在這些業者之總營收比重都不大。 目前之業者以低價競爭為主要策略,物業管理服務費用偏低,且物業管理服務內容大多不是建築專業,並不適合建築專業業者。設施資產生命週期資訊整合服務,為較新之服務領域,涉及較多建築專業知識與經驗,可以由建築專業業者與異業結盟進入市場。雖國人目前不重視建築物之維護保養,但是因為最近原物料價格高漲,節能與減碳議題日益被重視,若有政府政策之配合,建築專業服務會有較大之發展空間。 建築專業業者進入前述新領域前,除了需要考量業者自身之專業技術外,還要為新的市場謹慎調整管理模式,重新做成本分析。


In the underdevelopment countries, building and construction related industries are stars within all the industries. In the ’80 and ’90, building and construction industries were very hot industries in Taiwan. Recent years, Taiwan becomes a developed country, impacts from the domestic and international political and economic environments in recent years, and the trend of population decline, the demand of new construction is keep on declined. Building and construction industries are not as hot as before. Even demands are reducing, the competitions are still very intensive, and profits are keeping on decreased. Traditional, architects and engineers pay more attention in the professional service for plan and design phase, and contractors pay more attention in constructions for new construction. In the new economic environment, they started to think how to expand their business, expand their professional service to operation and maintenance phase of facilities management. In the operation and maintenance phase of facilities management, architectural professions may consider to participate the properties management, provide integrated information service for the life cycle of facilities management, provide professional service for operation and maintenance phase….etc. Most of architectural professions in Taiwan are very small and their profits are very low. Even the contractors and special subcontractors are not big. Most of firms in this industry are providing the professional service for the operation and maintenance phase. Only small percentage of their incomes is from the service of the operation and maintenances phase. The service fees of property management are very low in Taiwan. Most of the players of properties management use low service fee as their major competition strategies, most of the services in the properties management are not architectural specialty, so the properties management industry is not very suitable for the architectural specialties. The integration of information for life cycle of facilities management is a new field of service, large portions of the service are related to architectural professional knowledge and experience. Architectural professional firms may consider join services with related business partners. Although peoples in Taiwan didn’t pay too much attention to maintenance of buildings, because all the raw material price escalated up recently and reduction of the carbon dioxide become import issues, the professional service for operation and maintenance phase will has good potential if can get supports from government’s policies. Besides professional techniques of architectural professional firms, all the architectural professional firms shall adjust their management; perform cost analysis for the new business field.


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1. International Facilities Management Associates,網站 http://www.ifma.org
2. Michael P. Gallaher, C. O’Connor, John L. Dettbarn, Jr., and Linda T. GildayAlan, "Analysis of Inadequate Interoperability in the U.S. Capital Facilities Industry", National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 2004.
19. 張又升,"建築物生命週期二氧化碳減量評估",成功大學建築研究所博士論文,2001.
3. Wikipedia維基百科網站 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki


陳崇良(2015)。上市無塵室統包工程公司 轉型策略之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.11374
