  • 學位論文


Inventory Relocation Model by Considering Product Association Relationship in Industrial PC Industry

指導教授 : 蔣明晃
共同指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


由於市場競爭日益激烈,再加上跨國企業製造和銷售地點往往在不同的國家進行,因此企業為了避免消費者無法在第一時間獲得即時的服務和產品,其會在需求端設有多個配送中心,並在這些配送中心儲備存貨,來達到滿足顧客的即時且不確定的需求。因此造成企業對於商品的配置地點、數量產生疑惑,本研究即以存貨管理作為出發,針對存貨的配置進行探討。 國內的工業電腦產業,由於產品種類眾多且需求變異過大,因此一向不具有生產上的規模經濟,使得工業電腦製造商皆採集中生產製造,並依據銷售金額的大小作為存貨配置的依據,將銷售金額大的產品配置於配送中心,而將銷售金額小的配送於生產端的倉庫中。本研究目的即在於如何透過企業現有的存貨管理基礎上,考慮產品間訂購關聯性並權衡存貨相關成本下,決定存貨的最適配置地點與相關存貨政策。本研究欲利用關聯法則分群模式,透過產品間的訂購特性建立分群原則,利用分群模式並權衡存貨的相關成本,討論成本最小化下最適的存貨配置地點與相關的存貨政策。 研究中將本研究的模型針對實際資料進行實證分析,並比較原有個案公司之存貨政策與本研究之存貨政策,由結果證明本研究所進行之配置地點與相關的存貨政策可以有效改善現行個案公司之存貨相關成本,可避免大量存貨下耗費之存貨的持有成本,以及存貨過少時所發生的缺貨成本。


Because global company manufactures and sells its products in different sites, it needs to construct a lot of distribution center in the demand region. The enterprise usually put some inventory in these distribution centers. It can avoid the shortage situation and satisfy customers’ uncertain and immediate demand. This study focuses on discussing how to allocate the inventory among these distribution centers. In the industrial computer industry, there are too many kinds of products and high demand variation. Therefore, the enterprise manufactures its product in the same site and allocates based on the sales amount of products due to lack of economic of scale. It allocates the products with high sales turnover in the distribution center and put products with low sales turnover in the manufacture warehouse. The goal of this study is to minimize the total inventory related costs and to discover the suitable inventory site related inventory policy by using the association rule. By taking a real industrial computer agent-Advanced Technology, this study plans to use association rule for clustering and decides the suitable products distribution sites by balancing its inventory-related costs. Comparing the original inventory policy and distribution site of case, it is found that this study can improve the original inventory costs. Moreover, it can reduce large holding costs and shortage costs.


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