  • 學位論文


Broadcast of Mega Sporting Events Case Study -Business opportunities for New media

指導教授 : 葉疏 黃崇興


2008年北京奧運,國際奧會(IOC)發出的全球首張新媒體轉播許可就是由愛爾達科技所取得的。相隔四年後,愛爾達科技不僅取得2012年倫敦奧運台灣地區新媒體轉播權,還同時取得倫敦奧運台灣地區轉播權的總代理,為聚焦於新媒體轉播,愛爾達科技將倫敦奧運無線電視、有線電視的轉播權轉授給中華民國電視學會。 北京奧運、倫敦奧運,兩屆的奧運,台灣的新媒體轉播都是由愛爾達科技所負責。從這兩屆奧運的台灣新媒體轉播服務過程中,研究者看到台灣影視產業、廣告產業、科技與電信產業的商機轉換。在新媒體興起後,跨界的現象越來越常見,例如:媒體產業與電信業的跨界、螢幕內容的跨界、應用服務的跨界等。可預見在未來,因為多屏、互動、行動、跨界等特色將會促使台灣的新媒體產業有番大改變。 經過兩屆奧運轉播的經驗,研究者觀察到體育賽事對於媒體來說它是一個獨特且具商機的內容,在數位匯流的浪潮下,研究者預見在多屏收視、點播收視等潮流下,體育賽事將會是新媒體創造營收的最佳選擇。 (1) 體育賽事採LIVE播出,破口廣告可依附生存,增加收入。 (2) 體育賽事觀眾黏度高,多屏/多角度訊號有助收視互動。 (3) 觀眾主動分享資訊,社群操作利於行銷 (4) 體育賽事週邊商品多,購物前景看好。 隨著技術的進步,新的商業機會,新的傳媒生態都將逐步出現,屆時你我的生活型態都將被顛覆,產業鏈也將大洗牌。數位新媒體的時代即將來臨,不管是否有所準備,我們都將被大時代的數位浪潮推著向前。


新媒體 多屏 互動 運動賽事


In the year 2008, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) issued the first ever New Media Broadcast License in the world to ELTA Technologies. Fast-forward to 4 years later, ELTA Technologies not only acquired the New Media rights of the London 2012 Olympics, it also became the Gate Keeper of the London 2012 Olympics in Taiwan. Furthermore, ELTA Technologies also sub-licensed broadcast rights to Terrestrial & Cable television companies; in order to achieve a wider coverage of the Olympic Games in Taiwan. Both the New Media Broadcast of the Beijing 2008 Olympics and the London 2012 Olympics were produced by ELTA, thus the researcher has witnessed the rapid transformation of various industries over the years including media, telecom, technology, and advertising. With the rise of New Media, both cross-platform and cross-industry integrations have become increasingly common in Taiwan. For instance, the integration of media and telecom industries, and the integration of media contents and APP services. Within the near future, we will see a revolution of New media within Taiwan in various aspects of life including mobile, multi-screen function, and cross-platform interactions. Having experienced the broadcast of 2 Olympics, the researcher found that New Media Sports broadcast is a very unique business model especially under the age of digital revolution. Moreover, the researcher foresees that sports broadcast will be the best source of revenue following the increasing popularity of click-per view and multi-screen viewing. (1) Commercial breaks within Live Sports broadcast can generate consistent revenue. (2) Sports broadcast are proven to stick viewers for a long period of hours, and the implementation of multi-screen, and multi-camera functions can further increase user interaction. (3) User initiated content sharings over social networks can benefit marketing strategies. (4) Sports related merchandises are abundant, which may open future E-commerce opportunities. The Media environment will forever be changed by the digital revolution, no matter if you are ready or not, the whole eco-system will be revolutionized, and we will all be pushed by the digital wave to undiscovered territories.


New Media Multi-screen Interaction Sport events


張天雄(2012), 報業中階主管在新媒體時代所面對的知能困境研究,台北:創新與管理期刊,9, 151-184。
