  • 學位論文


Development of Portable Modulized Micro Gas Chromatography for Detection of Ketamine Gas Marker

指導教授 : 田維誠


根據衛生福利部統計,愷他命(Ketamine)長年居於青少年濫用藥物之首,長期使用會對腦神經、呼吸系統、泌尿系統帶來摧毀性的結果。而在台灣,摻在香菸中燃燒吸食是最常見的使用方式,俗稱K菸;其二手煙會造成環境汙染及非吸食者的健康危害。但目前國內並沒有偵測愷他命氣體之儀器,警察機關僅能以氣味作為評斷依據,故本研究希望開發一可攜式愷他命氣體分析儀,以作為查緝及取締之初步的有力證據。   本研究結合市售元件與微機電(MEMS)元件,開發出一可攜型模組化微型氣相層析儀並將其應用於愷他命氣體特徵標誌之偵測。所開發之原型儀器其重量約1.7 kg,體積為18.6×18.1×13.2 cm,以開源的Arduino及其軟硬體平台為基礎,取代過去使用電腦作為系統的核心。本儀器以觸控螢幕作為使用者介面,並搭配藍牙及WiFi模組作為物聯網之解決方案。本研究將不同功能之部分模組化,除了可避免彼此互相干擾,亦有益於未來商品化,且可在不同的情況下更換或加裝不同的元件或模組,使儀器具有高度的彈性。本研究亦提出了微型氣相層析儀系統化的製作方法,電路模組設計為Arduino相容擴充板(Shield)之形式,並作為各個元件的讀取及控制系統;流道模組使用傳統不銹鋼圓柱型前濃縮管、微層析晶片及光離子化偵測器作為層析之關鍵元件,量測時使用一般空氣作為載流氣體,並用分子篩與活性碳過濾其水氣及有機物,因此無需使用傳統氣體鋼瓶。   於氣相層析標準量測上,本儀器成功分離並偵測3種揮發性有機氣體(Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs)。於愷他命氣體特徵標誌(Marker)之偵測上,本研究定義出愷他命熱裂解後之主成分為2-氯苯甲醛(2-Chlorobenzaldehyde),並可利用微型氣相層析儀成功採樣並偵測該化合物,而在1 L採樣體積之條件下,偵測極限可達到7.54 ppb。本儀器有分析迅速、體積小、易於攜帶、再現性佳等優點。


According to statistics data from the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan, Ketamine had been the most popular drug among teenagers for many years. Long-term abuse of ketamine would cause permanent damage to human’s brain, respiratory system, and urinary system. In Taiwan, smoking cigarettes with ketamine, known as “K-cig”, was the most common method of ketamine use. The secondhand smoke also led to the environmental pollution and health hazards of non-smokers. However, in Taiwan there was no instrument for detecting ketamine, so the purpose of this thesis was to develop a portable ketamine gas analyzer to help the police to identify ketamine drugs objectively.   This research combined the commercial and MEMS devices to develop a portable modulized micro gas chromatography (μGC) for detection of ketamine gas marker. The prototype weighed approximately 1.7 kg, and with a size of 18.6×18.1×13.2 cm. Our μGC was based on open-source hardware and software platform of Arduino rather than the conventional way of using computer. This instrument utilized bluetooth and WiFi as the communication solutions of Internet of Things (IoT), and used a touch screen as user interface. In this research, different functions of components were modulized to avoid cross physical interference and to provide the serviceability for future commercialization. This instrument was highly flexible, because we could change or add different modules in different situations and contexts. This research suggested a systematic method to build the μGC. The electronic modules were designed as Arduino compatible shields and served as a readout and control system for every components. In addition, the conventional preconcentrator (PCT), the MEMS-based separation column (SC), and a commercial photoionization detector (PID) were employed as a critical components in the fluidic modules. This μGC used the ambient air scrubbed by molecular sieves and active carbon as the carrier gas when measuring, so it required no gas cylinder.   In this research, vapor mixtures of three compounds were successfully separated and identified by our μGC. Moreover, 2-chlorobenzaldehyde (2-CBA) was defined as the maker of ketamine after pyrolysis. The detection limit (LOD) of our μGC in 1 L air sampling condition for 2-CBA was approximately 7.54 ppb. It demonstrated that our μGC has the features of highly portability, rapid analysis, and good repeatability.


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