  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on the Analysis of Building Intercom Industry and the Incumbent Responses to IP-based Products

指導教授 : 李吉仁


室內對講機存在於每戶家庭中,扮演著不可或缺的角色。然而,不具備絢麗 外表、時尚科技應用的室內對講機,造成我們對他的忽視。近年來智慧居家服務平台的推出,導致室內對講機開始有了前所未有的改變。新一代的IP室內對講機結合了居家控制、網路應用服務與對講功能,讓家庭住戶可透過室內對講機進行燈光、音樂、瓦斯、窗簾等情境控制,而IP對講機也成為與網路世界的連結點,可透過這窗口使用相關網路應用服務,如:進行遠距醫療、獲取相關生活資訊等等。隨著科技進步所帶來的轉變,使得相關企業的聚光燈又再度聚焦在對講機身上。 本研究將透過質性研究方法,探討現階段台灣對講機產業的結構變化。由於國內在室內對講機產業的相關研究不多,本研究主要透過新聞、安防雜誌…等管道蒐集次集資料,並輔以對傳統對講機廠商的訪問,加深本研究的深度,並維持資料來源的客觀性。 本研究發現,傳統對講機產業的既有廠商對IP對講機的進入,因其本身核心事業與擁有的技術能力的不同,而有不同的認知與因應作為,而生產IP對講機所需要的技術能力,為原有對講機廠商進入IP對講機市場的主要障礙。透過本研究,可了解當對講機產業面臨轉型時,原有的領導廠商如何審視IP對講機的出現,IP對講機帶來的是危機還是轉機? 廠商是否要冒著對產品主導地位下降的風險與其他廠商進行策略聯盟發展IP對講機? 或是固有原有的核心事業並將IP對講機視作曇花一現的產品? 而新競爭者是如何憑藉本身所擁有的關鍵資源、技術進入對講機市場?


Building intercom has been widely adopted by almost every household in Taiwan. Although this kind of product doesn’t have fashion design and astonished technology like iPhone, we still can’t live without it. However, the newly emerged IP-based home service platform has started to change the structure of building intercom industry. As a new generation of building intercom product, IP-based building intercom contains home automation, internet service, and intercom system, among others. Family use IP-based building intercom not only for communication purposes but also for controlling light, music, curtain, and even to set up different kinds of scenario to enjoy their life. And internet service provider can provide health care, traffic information…etc. via the IP-based building intercom. Overall, the IP-based building intercom seems re-energize the industry momentum. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the extent of industry change of the existing building intercom market and the tendency of responding to the new entry from the incumbents. As there are few research on the building intercom industry, we undertook qualitative research approach to this inquiry. We utilize secondary information from news and magazines of security industry and field interview to draw our inductive conclusions. Based on our research, we find that the differential responses of incumbents in the traditional building intercom industry are contingent upon the extent of their core businesses and technological capabilities. We conclude with the identification of entry and entry barriers as well as incumbent’s respond strategy. Is the IP-based building intercom an opportunity or crisis for the incumbents? Do the incumbents develop the IP-based building intercom at the risk of losing their dominant power or just focus on their core businesses? And how the entry break into the building intercom industry via their key resource and key technology?


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