  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Care Manager’s Job Satisfaction and Intention to Stay

指導教授 : 林艷君


研究背景與目的:臺灣為因應高齡化社會來臨,滿足長期照護需求人數的快速增加,於2007年開始設立長期照顧管理中心提供單一窗口,由照顧管理專員負責各項長期照護服務輸送與照顧管理機制管控、執行的角色,期望透過照顧管理制度,提供適切的長期照護服務給需要的民眾。然而因長期照護政策發展尚未成熟,其組織及人員面臨許多問題與挑戰,使照顧管理專員長期處於不足又高流動的狀態,導致長期照護服務品質受到影響。因此,本研究旨在瞭解照顧管理專員工作滿意度及留任意願狀況,並探討影響工作滿意度與留任意願的因素,以便提出改善之建議。 研究方法:本研究為一橫斷性研究,採立意取樣方式,以臺灣長期照顧管理中心之照顧管理專員為對象,使用自擬之結構式問卷收集照顧管理專員的個人屬性、工作滿意度及留任意願。另有五題開放式問題收集相關之質性資料。所有量性資料以SPSS 22.0版統計軟體進行描述性統計、獨立t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關與多元迴歸分析。質性資料則以內容分析法進行主題的呈現。 結果:研究者共詢問了10個縣市的長期照顧管理中心參與研究之意願,有8個中心同意參與,最後共回收有效問卷172份,回收率91%。研究結果顯示:(1)照管專員的工作滿意度平均為3.22分,介於中等到滿意間。工作滿意度次量表以同事關係、工作成就感及上司滿足得分最高;工作情況、報酬滿足及升遷與發展最低。(2)組織留任意願平均為3.34分,專業留任意願為3.55分,表示傾向留任原單位及長照專業的人數較多。57.6%的照管專員曾考慮離職,88.3%的照管專員認為自己一年內還會留在長照中心,41.3%的照管專員想離開長照領域。(3)工作滿意度與組織留任意願(r=0.464, p<0.01)及專業留任意願(r=0.293, p<0.01)有顯著統計相關。(4)整體工作滿意度、所屬地區為南部、升遷與發展及已婚(含離婚)為組織留任意願之影響因子,可解釋組織留任意願總變異量為41.8%;整體工作滿意度及工作成就感,為專業留任意願之影響因子,可解釋專業留任意願總變異量為21.9%。 結論:照管專員的工作滿意度會影響其留任的意願,建議未來應提升照管專員人才培育與專業性,並改善照管專員的工作環境與條件。中央主管機關應加強民眾對長照服務的教育與宣導,並發展更多元與適用的長期照護資源,讓照管專員媒合資源的過程能更順利。未來可以針對偏鄉或需求不同的社區進行質性研究,並探討照管專員的工作內容差異對工作滿意度和留任意願的影響,以提升照管專員工作滿意度與留任意願,進而增加臺灣長期照護服務的品質。


Background: Responding to the aging society and the long-term care needs in Taiwan, the government has established the long-term care management centers in each county or city to provide available care services. Through the “one-stop” care management mechanism, the care managers assess and provide long-term care referral for their clients. However, lack of manpower and high turnover rate in care managers were issues which could influence long term care quality. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the job satisfaction and intention to stay of care managers and to explore the associated factors. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study. The care managers were recruided using purposive sampling from the long-term care management centers in Taiwan. A “Job satisfaction and intention to stay” questionnaire was used to gather information about case managers’ characteristics, job satisfaction, and intention to stay. Five open questions were used to collect qualitative data. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis by statistical software SPSS version 22.0. Result: A total of 172 participitators from 8 different long-term care management centers returned the questionnaires. The response rate was 91%. The results of this study showed that (1) the average score of the job satisfaction were 3.22, presenting the medium level of job satisfaction. The highest scores of 3 subscales in job satisfaction were colleague relationship, work accomplishment and satisfaction with boss; the lowest scores of 3 subscales were work conditions, salary and promotion opportunity. (2) The average scores of intention to stay in organization and in the long-term care profession were 3.34 and 3.55, indicating that most care managers tended to stay. 57.6% of the care managers had considered leaving the job. 88.3% of the care managers believe they may stay in the long-term care management center for at least one year. 41.3% of the care managers would like to leave the long-term care professional field. (3) The higher job satisfaction significantly increased intention to stay in organization (r=0.464, p<0.01) and profession (r=0.293, p<0.01) among the care managers. (4) The overall job satisfaction, working in the south of Taiwan, promotion opportinuty, and marital status was married (or divorced) were significant variables, which could explain 41.8% of the total variance for intention to stay in the organization. The overall job satisfaction and work accomplishment could explain 21.9% of the total variance for intention to stay in the long-term care profession. Conclusion: The study indicated that job satisfaction associated with the intention to stay for care managers. The government should enhance care managers’ professional education, improve their work conditions and evnironment. More long-term care service education should be conducted for public to increase their understanding. Developing more diverse and applicable resources to smooth the referral process are also recommended. In the future, qualitative study could be conducted on local communities. More studies to explore the impact of the different work tasks on job satisfaction and willingness to stay are also needed in order to enhance the care managers’ job satisfaction and willingness to stay, thereby increasing Taiwan's long-term care quality.


