  • 學位論文


The Impact of Outsourcing and R&D Investment on Taiwan’s Labor Market

指導教授 : 羅竹平


隨著科技技術的進步,國際貿易蓬勃發展,廠商可以更自由,也更有效率的決定生產型態,然而隨著生產型態的改變,對於地區間勞動的需求也因生產型態變化而有所改變,委外生產與研發投資都增加了對技術性勞動者的需求,但卻不利於非技術性的勞動者。 因此於本文,我們將檢視台灣於1999至2006年間,製造業廠商從事委外生產、研究發展以及基礎教育的投資對於技術性勞工以及非技術性勞工間工資的影響,文中利用Feenstra and Hanson(1996)所提出的模型略加修改,並放入教育變數以分析。 研究結果顯示從事委外生產大約可以解釋整體製造業1999至2006年間技術性勞工工資份額變化的33%至38%,而從事研究發展將可解釋1999至2006年間技術性勞工工資份額變化的13%之間,此外基礎教育的投資將有助於減少技術性勞工與非技術性勞工兩者間的工資差異。 全球化的浪潮之下,對一個高度倚賴貿易的台灣來說,當然是無可避免,然而隨著貿易的興盛與技術的進步,勞動者技術層面的不同卻也帶來了所得差距的問題,在本文的實證結果中顯示基礎教育的投資將有助於減少技術性勞工與非技術性勞工兩者間的工資差異,或許教育是一個方法,利用教育的方式,培育更多的技術性勞工,豐富國家的技術存量,或許這樣的方法需要時間才能看到成效,但卻能讓產業升級與整體勞動力素質與技能的提高一起發生。讓勞動力與企業可以一起享受自由貿易帶來的好處,並提高國家的成長力,是可以努力的方向。


As the progress of technology and the flourishing development of international trading, manufacturers nowadays could decide production patterns more freely and efficiently. However, inter-regional labor demand has also changed due to the shift of production patterns.Outsourcing production and R&D investment have increased the demand of skilled labor, but this situation is not conducive to unskilled labor. In this research, we would inspect how manufacturers’ outsourcing production, R&D, and investment of fundamental education influence the wage of skilled labor as well as unskilled one in Taiwan during 1999 to 2006. The research analysis is based on Feenstra and Hanson’s model(1996), with slight modification and educational variables. The result shows that in manufacturing industry in Taiwan during 1999 to 2006, outsourcing production could explain about 33% to 38% of the wage bill share variation of skilled labor, while R&D could explain about 13% of the wage bill share variation of skilled labor. In addition, investment of fundamental education would help to reduce the wage inequality between skilled and unskilled labor. For Taiwan, which highly depends upon international trade, globalization is certainly inevitable. Nevertheless, as the rising trade and advanced technology, the different skill level of labor has also brought the wage inequality problem. The research result shows investment of fundamental education would assist in reducing the wage inequality between skilled and unskilled labor. Education is probably a way to rear more skilled labor, and to enrich technology stock of the country. Perhaps this approach would take time to yield positive result, but it would lead to industrial upgrading and entire labor force quality improvement simultaneously. Then labor force and enterprises could enjoy the benefits of free trade to enhance the growth of national power. Therefore, education is conceivably the direction to put efforts.


outsourcing R&D skilled labor unskilled labor wage inequality


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