  • 學位論文


A Design of Taiwan Power Transmission Line Fault Location Platform

指導教授 : 劉志文


本論文針對台灣電力公司161kV輸電線路中諸多地下電纜與架空線路混合、多種架空(電纜)線徑組成之線路或三端線路架構等,介紹利用台電161kV已架設的數位電驛原始波形資料,進行故障定位準確度提升技術的研究,以改善目前數位保護電驛在事故時無法準確得出故障距離之問題。 本文介紹一新型濾波演算法以計算故障訊號的基頻成分,經由結合視窗濾波器與離散傅立葉轉換來增強此演算法對雜訊及諧波之抵抗力。本文並分別針對雙端點與三端點的複合輸電線,介紹其故障定位演算法及故障型態與相位判別演算法。另外,本文針對非同步量測訊號介紹一同步校準方法,用以改善故障定位的準確性,亦針對實際量測存在的非理想成分介紹一權重修正因子,藉此將故障定位位置趨向較穩定的正確解。 以上之研究成果,皆由161kV輸電線故障定位平台實現。利用此161kV輸電線路故障定位平台,在台電161kV輸電線路發生故障時,巡修人員可將事故紀錄檔輸入至此平台以檢視故障波形、確認線路參數並進行故障定位計算。故障定位之計算結果將以圖形化方式顯示,使巡修人員能馬上得知輸電線故障之參考位置,將有助於大幅縮減故障排除與復電時間。本平台除了利用模擬系統驗證所介紹之演算法的可行性,亦代入台電系統實際量測結果以驗證演算法的實用性。


Because of the influence of compound and three-terminal power transmission lines in 161kV transmission line system of Taipower Company, the theme of this thesis aims at providing the following algorithms and methods in order to raise the accuracy of fault location. By the combination of FIR window filter and discrete Fourier transform, we propose a new type of filtering algorithm in order to accurate estimated fundamental component of fault signals. We also propose a modified fault phase classification method and two different fault location algorithms to deal with two-terminal and three-terminal compound lines faults, respectively. Moreover, we introduce an unsynchronized angle correction method and a weighting correction method to enhance the performance of the proposed fault location algorithms. All of the above research efforts have been implemented on a 161kV transmission line fault location platform. When a fault occurred in a 161kV transmission line system, maintenance engineers can easily input the fault record files into this platform to verify the waveform of fault signals, to check the parameters of transmission lines, and to execute the fault location program. The computational result of faults location would be shown by a diagram to help maintenance engineers figure out the fault location. This platform has been verified by not only simulator generated fault data but also field measurements to show the practicality of this platform.


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