  • 學位論文


Physical Properties of Concrete Containing Phase-Change Material and Application of BIM for Building Energy-Consumption Analysis

指導教授 : 陳振川 劉楨業


近年來,全球氣溫急遽升高,如何降低碳排放量成為世界主流。   利用相變材料之高潛熱性質與建築物做結合,將相變材料拌入混凝土中,使建築物可以有較高的熱容來維持室內舒適溫度且減少空調使用量,在永續發展的基礎上可以達到節能減碳之效果。   本研究設計一組應用於牆板中之相變材料混凝土之配比,接著將相變材料粉體拌合入混凝土試體,並進行一系列其基本物理行為之實驗與探討,如:抗壓強度、彈性模數、劈裂強度以及熱傳導性質試驗。目的使之可真實應用於實際建築物中並利用BIM (Building Information Modeling)軟體進行相變材料應用於實際建築物中之效益。   本研究結果顯示,添加相變材料後之混凝土會造成混凝土之力學性質下降,熱學性質上升,以及實際建築物之模擬結果顯示相變混凝土在夏季時刻有明顯的節能效益。


As global temperatures climbling to a record high recently, how to reduce carbon emission has been the main issue around the world. Base on the idea of sustainable development, the research combines the high latent heat capacity of phase-change material with buildings, mixing the phase-change material in concrete to increase the heat capacity in order to maintain confortable temperatures and reduce air conditioning usage. The research design a proportion of phase-change material for concrete wall, mixing the material in concrete specimens and pocess a series of tests of physical properties of concrete specimens: compressive strength, elasticity modulus, splitting strength and heat conduction test. The aim of this work is to apply the concrete containting phase-change material to the real building and use BIM (Building Information Modeling) to test its energy efficiency.   The research shows that adding phase-change material in concrete will reduce the mechanical properties and increase the thermal properties of concrete. Also, the result from BIM indicates significant energy conservation in summer.


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