  • 學位論文


The Double Ninth Festival: from Popular Celebration to Literati's Imagination

指導教授 : 陳熙遠


在明清時代,重陽節在許多地方已成了只有文人重視的節日。此種變化正呈現 出魏晉以降重陽節與文人傳統的深刻連結,以至於當一般民眾逐漸漠視的情況下, 重陽節慶仍得到文人群體的持續參與。本研究即以明清時代重陽節的此種現象為中 心,討論文本傳統與集體想像、現實生活間的關聯,強調節日活動者會因應自身背 景與文化脈絡實踐、詮釋節日,故研究節日文化除了必須掌握時間的變外,還必須 放置在對人的身分的把握上。 明清重陽節的文人活動主要以重陽會為中心,包涵酬詠、讌集、登高等各種附 加活動,可說在人際交誼上相當顯著,故在各種重陽詩文與論述中,「友情」都是 重要的主題。而受到各種附庸風雅的活動影響,圍繞著「菊花開時即重陽」的典型 論述,重陽也被明清文人詮釋為一個以個體情懷滿足為中心的節日。環繞著此兩種 主流詮釋,明清重陽節發展出「展重陽」的新傳統,一方面便利人情所需之集會, 另一方面也讓節日情懷不受固定時日之拘束。明清重陽節的形象與活動內容,深受 做為實踐者的文人群體影響,而文本上呈現出的士庶節俗差異,事實上呈現了士人 特有的生活習慣、交游形態與表達方式。 另一方面,本文對重陽節文人活動與詮釋的探討,係欲藉重陽節之例,闡述文 本、文化與實踐者間的關係。文本中的重陽節紀錄,在文字或內容上都具有高度的 一致性,本文將此種互文性理解為「記憶」,認為重陽節論述在文本與文本間的顯 著相關性,係為文人集體記憶的一種呈現。而此種集體記憶不僅牽涉到文本的形 成,還涉及文本之流通;文本一方面是現實生活的表述,另一方面也是人們生活的 範本。由於關係到文字的掌握能力,這種集體記憶主要是存在於文人群體,並透過 實踐與文本的再書寫,而形成儼然專屬於文人群體的節日形象──即以登高、酬 詠、聚會為主要活動。這種存在於文本內外文化傳統之形塑,正是文人文化的一種 特徵。


重陽節 節日 文人 文本傳統 集體記憶 登高 重陽會 展重陽


The Double Ninth Festival was a traditional Chinese holiday allegedly observed by both the common populace and the literati. Yet during the Ming-Qing period, mass participation could only be found in some urban localities. It is evident that the literati had become the main observers honoring this tradition, and they developed several ways to celebrate it. By examining various accounts from local gazetteers, literati poetry, and miscellaneous notes, this thesis addresses the question how the literati reinvented this festival tradition through certain activities such as “ascending the heights” (denggao 登高) and holding banquets. Special attention is paid to how the literati appropriated traditional customs and reformulated their significance in tune with their needs in the present and their imaginations of the past. Moreover, by using the Double Ninth Festival as a case study, this thesis argues that the literati’s festival participation was shaped by their collective memory, literary imagination, and cultural identity One of the major activities of literati to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival was the so-called the chongyang hui (重陽會), a social gathering dedicated to friendship and the renewal of social connections. Notably, a new practice became quite popular among literati during the Ming-Qing period: zhan chongyang (展重陽, to extend the celebration of the Double Ninth Festival). This new practice enabled the literati to have more opportunities to arrange their social gatherings on a more flexible schedule. This flexible festival reunion normally prompted the participants to compose poems and ponder upon the significance of their friendships, the socio-political issues of their time, and the festival tradition itself.


