  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Exposure to Service User Violence, Coping Strategies, and Obstruction of Service Delivery among Taiwanese Child Protection Social Workers

指導教授 : 劉淑瓊


儘管過去文獻已經清楚闡述服務使用者暴力的成因、形式與普遍程度,呈現出兒保工作的危險性,但在臺灣仍然缺乏暴力影響實務工作的實證研究,使社工人身安全議題的重要性未被看見。因此,本研究致力於探討服務使用者暴力對兒保服務所造成的衝擊,以及社工個人因應和機構人身安全支持政策所帶來的效果。 本研究採量化途徑,以全臺灣各縣市政府家庭暴力防治中心從事兒保工作的社工為研究對象,使用案主暴力量表、簡明因應量表以及困難情境量表進行調查,共回收360份有效問卷。並藉由皮爾森相關係數分析和多元迴歸,分別檢視家訪調查和安置決策干擾的解釋因素,相關結果摘要如下: 在描述統計方面,高達98.6%的兒保社工經歷過服務對象或其親友的暴力。多數受訪者曾因人身安全的顧慮而必須提早結束家訪(85.5%),甚至被迫取消(71.6%),使得安置決策的資訊蒐集受阻(97.1%),連安置決策也有長官或民代的施壓(90.9%),顯示兒保服務輸送受到干擾的情形相當普遍。 就家訪調查模型而言,督導相較於社工、對暴力的恐懼感越高、機構人身安全支持政策評價越低、較常使用抽離、幽默因應與靈性因應者,其家訪調查干擾程度較高。而就安置決策模型來說,男性相較於女性、恐懼感越高、機構安全支持評價越低、較少尋求情緒社會支持、較常使用自我轉移和幽默因應者,其安置決策受到干擾的程度較高。可見不僅是案主暴力本身會影響兒保服務輸送,機構人身安全支持政策和不同因應行為亦有解釋效果。 綜合上述研究結果,研究者提出相關的政策、實務和未來研究建議,期待能強化社工人身安全的保障,避免兒保服務輸送受到干擾,以確保兒少的權益不被侵害。


Service user violence toward child protection social workers is a widespread phenomenon and an important issue for practitioners, social service agencies, and the social work profession. Although its nature, prevalence, and risk factors are well documented in the literature, there is a dearth of evidence-based studies concerning its impact on practice in Taiwan. The aim of this study was to explore the consequences of such violence upon child protection service delivery and also the effects of different coping strategies and organizational safety support policy. A national survey was conducted with the Client Violence Inventory, Brief COPE Inventory, and Difficult Situations Scale. The sample included 360 child protection social workers in family violence prevention centers in Taiwan. Multiple regression analysis was employed to test the impacts of service user violence on child protection practice in terms of home-visiting and placement decision-making. The results indicated that service user violence, organizational safety support, and different coping strategies contributed to obstruction of child protection service. As suggested by the home-visiting model, as compared to front-line workers, workers in management positions who showed high levels of fear toward service user violence, low levels of organizational safety support perception, high levels of behavioral disengagement, and humor and religious coping were more likely to report high levels of home-visiting obstruction. As revealed by the placement decision-making model, as compared to their female counterparts, male workers who showed high levels of fear, low levels of support perception, high levels of self-distraction, and humor coping were more likely to report high levels of placement decision-making obstruction. The implications of the findings of this study for policy and practice are discussed in detail. Suggestions for further research are also provided.


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