  • 學位論文


An Application of Space Syntax and DEA-DA to Critical Working Space Analysis and Conflict Solution Analysis: The Case of Building Construction

指導教授 : 郭斯傑




Critical Space had been defined as its slack space is equal to zero. This Study offers the further and improved following definition of critical space: "Critical Space is in whom conflicts aren’t allowed to occur due to significant productivity loss once occurred.” The definition is more accurate and helpful to construction management. The space with zero slack space doesn’t necessarily cause productivity loss. The purpose of this study is to calculate and find the critical space by using logics of space structures then to avoid conflicts occurred in critical space.The quantitative parameters including integration value and control value derived form Space Syntax and other three parameters including unit blocking rate, vertical direction flow and exit direction flow derived form identities form building construction can be used to the DEA-DA with TOPSIS model to predict critical space. DEA-DA can be modeled to predict financial crisis of construction companies and TOPSIS is a multi-criteria decision analysis method for finding ideal solutions. Among three prediction models featuring in this study, only DEA-DA model with TOPSIS method can be defined highly correlated as correlation coefficient of it is larger than 0.8.Critical space analysis in DEA-DA and Topsis method not only can define crtical spaces, also can be used in layout planning and conflict analysis in Buliding Construction. Critical Space had been defined as its slack space is equal to zero. Conflict occurred in crtitical space will cause the activity re-scheduled in sessions, accepting waiting or re-schedued to other duration. The best solution is the one caused minimum time delay of above three solutions.


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