  • 學位論文


Encounters with Gay and Lesbian Youth—A Study of Social Workers’ Experiences

指導教授 : 陳毓文


本文從關注青少年同志做為研究發想,進而看見性傾向議題在台灣社會工作界中的較少被提及與討論,然而實務現場的確面臨青少年同志需要被幫助,社工不可能置身事外,然而適切的處遇必須來自社工對於服務對象的需求、文化的了解,也需要檢視自身對性傾向的價值觀。故,本研究主要目的在於從青少年社工的經驗出發,瞭解青少年社工在服務過程中如何看待不同性傾向的服務對象,抱持什麼樣的價值、如何定位自己的角色功能與實際上曾經提供過的服務,面臨到什麼樣的衝突與困境,藉此開啟性傾向議題在社會工作處遇中的討論。 本研究採用質性研究的深度訪談法,共訪談了八位青少年社工。研究發現目前青少年社工對於青少年同志服務關注的焦點,仍以解決個人當下的議題為主,如家庭、感情,因此所面對到最大的挑戰也是在於社工觀察到社會環境對青少年同志的不友善,然而卻缺乏對結構面的回應;台灣的社工教育和青少年服務機構,對青少年同志議題也尚未做出特別的回應,社工教育提供給社工的協助有限,僅就是一般性的技巧能力,機構也並未因為有同志的服務群體,而在這個議題上有更進一步的去思考是否有需要提供專門的服務。青少年同志成了社工在工作中最大的「老師」,社工本身的背景、特質則決定了他怎麼去看待青少年同志,來自外在的支持和教育訓練裝備是缺乏的。最後本文從對青少年社工、青少年服務機構、社工教育三個面向提出建議。


Through an original interest to care for gay and lesbian youth, this study found that sexual orientation is an issue seldom discussed by social workers in Taiwan. However, gay and lesbian youth might need assistance from social workers. In order to provide adequate services and support, social workers have to know the needs and culture of these youth, and to reflect on their own value about this issue. Hence, the purpose of this study was to study how social workers work with youth of different sexual orientations; how their personal values might have affected their work, and the possible conflicts or difficulties they have encountered while working with these youth. Based on a qualitative approach, the author conducted an in-depth interview with eight youth social workers. Findings indicated that when working with gay and lesbian youth, most workers focused on how to solve problems currently faced by them, such as personal relationships, especially romance, and family issues. As a result, the major challenge for these workers was that they recognized the mainstream society was not very friendly to homosexual people, but they couldn’t do much about it. Social work education and their institutions have not made any particular response to this issue. Apart from general skills, social workers learned very limited from formal education. The agencies they worked did not provide any training, either. Most social workers learned from their gay and lesbian clients. External support and professional training for them were insufficient. Finally, this study presented suggestions to social workers, social service agencies, and social work education providers.


呂欣潔(2011)。櫃中荊棘同志親密暴力 VS. 現行家暴網絡。婦女縱橫,94,35-44。
