  • 期刊


Impact on Teenagers in Taiwan of the "Life Appreciation Training Program"


本活動以醫院為學習關懷生命的場所,舉辦「青少年關懷生命訓練營」,期望青少年能藉由六小時的醫院參觀及課程設計,體認到生命的意義並且能珍惜及尊重自己和他人的生命。本活動的參與對象以自願參加並由父母親塡寫同意書為主,共有184位高中、國中、小六的學生參加,以生命意義量表為活動結果的評量,了解學生參與活動前、後的生命意義感得分情形和參與活動前、後其生命意義感的差異,結果顯示前測與後測的生命意義感得分有統計上的顯著差異(paired t=-5.52, p=.00)。探討參與活動前的生命意義感得分情形與社會人口學特性之間的差異,其結果可以做為下次舉辦相關活動之課程內容規劃的參考,本研究結果發現女同學的生命意義感較男同學為佳(t=4.83, p=.03),並且呈現年齡越大的同學其生命意義感越佳(F=15.27, p=.00),宗教、父母親的教育程度與生命意義感得分無差異。本活動能幫助青少年提升其生命意義感,讓青少年對生命有正向的感受,進而愛惜生命。期望社區健康專業人員能重視青少年族群的心理健康並策畫相關活動,以促進社區青少年身心的健康,本活動的構思及結果皆能做為社區健康專業人員進行青少年健康促進活動的參考。


This study explored the substantive effect on teenagers of their participation in a specially designed 6-hour course entitled ”Learning to Love Life: A Training Program for Young Adults”. This course incorporated a guided tour of a working hospital and related classroom curriculum. A total of 184 elementary and junior high school students enrolled in the course with their parents' written consent. A ”purpose in life” (PIL) questionnaire was administered prior to and immediately following the course and was used to evaluate activity results and compare changes in specific measures between the two PIL tests. We found a significant difference between pre- and post-test scores (paired t=-5.52, p=.00) and significant relationships between respondents' pre-test scores and the two demographic variables of sex and age. The average pre-test score for female respondents was significantly higher than those of their male counterparts (t=4.83, p=.03). Also, the greater the age of the respondent, the better the pre-test score tended to be (F=15.27, p=.00). Study results are hoped to provide nurses with a reference to aid their planning of similar activities or training courses. It is our belief that such activities/courses are beneficial to increase ”appreciation for life” in teenagers and the course described in this study may be used as a positive reference by community health nurses in planning programs that address issues related to teenager mental health.
