  • 學位論文


The Relationship of Dose of Nature on Users’ Psychological Benefits

指導教授 : 張俊彥


都市地區在高度發展之下,高樓林立的生活環境雖然帶來了方便與迅速,但同時也犧牲很多人們接觸自然的機會,讓居住在都市的人們不論是在身體或精神方面,都普遍變得越來越不健康,因此與大自然接觸的機會也越來越受到重視。Kaplan及Kaplan在1989年認為自然環能使人恢復心理疲勞,而提出了具恢復力環境(restorative environment)的概念。根據這樣的觀點,學者也陸續發展了許多理論與指標來進一步驗證自然景觀帶來的效益。 雖然大量的實證研究證實了自然環境能夠帶給人們正向的效益,但多數也只是進行不同景觀型態之探討,鮮少從時間的角度來切入,無法得知究竟接觸自然多久的時間會帶給人足夠的效益。因此本研究利用智慧型手機做為工具,紀錄受測者一週內接觸自然的情形,實驗期間要求受測者收到簡訊後回報當下活動情形,並利用ZIPERS情緒量表觀察受測者當下之情緒感受,以探討在日常生活中接觸自然劑量與情緒之關係。結果顯示在短時間(約兩小時)內接觸環境自然度越高,越呈現正向情緒;接觸時間長短呈現倒U字型曲線,在較短的時間內,接觸時間越長情緒越顯正向,但在60-80分鐘以後的接觸時間,情緒的正向效果趨於平緩或下降。根據本研究結果,能夠更加清楚接觸自然不同質、量時,與受測者心理反應之間的關係,有助於日後應用自然景觀作為療癒方法時所需劑量之參考依據。


Although a highly developed city provides people a convenient and rapid living environment, urban residents who have less experience in nature are observed more mental and physical health problems. People have paid more and more attentions on the benefits of contact with nature. In 1989, Kaplan and Kaplan proposed the concept of restorative environment which believes people can restore mental fatigue by spending time in natural environments. Further, other scholars have developed various theories and indicators to examine the benefits of nature. Many studies have confirmed the benefits of natural environments. However, most of them usually focused on the differences in landscape types. Rare discussion is from the perspective of contact time. The aim of this study is to identify the contact time of nature that people can gain adequate mental benefits. Smart phones were utilized as a recording tool that participants reported their experiences of contact with natural environment and emotional condition (ZIPERS scale) for one week. The results indicated that participants reported more positive emotion when they are in a higher naturalness environment within a short time (about two hours). The relationship between emotion and contact time showed an inverted U-shaped curve. Within 60~80 minutes, contacting with nature longer significantly produces more positive emotions. After this period, the positive emotional effect from nature tends to stay relatively flat or even decline. The results of this study clarify the relationship among contact time, naturalness and psychological responses. It could be a reference of the desired dose of the natural landscape as a healing method in the future.


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