  • 學位論文


The Influence of Nostalgia on Place Bonding

指導教授 : 鄭佳昆


隨著當代流動性的發展,造成傳統的生活方式、習俗及價值觀受到均質化及現代化的破壞及威脅,Lewicka認為這種損失會透過記憶中的地方(places of memory)獲得補償,藉由保存逝去的過以恢復生命中的個人連續感,現今盛行的懷舊風潮或許就是因應而生的現象。 地方連結是人與地點之間的特殊情感連結。並有許多學者認為這種情感對人們有正面的影響,如提高生活品質與增加社會資產等,且地方連結被視為是評斷人地情感的重要指標。而懷舊從早期的鄉愁概念,到近年來已經轉變為對過去的渴望情感,懷舊被視為一種強烈情感狀態的回憶,即回憶行為中需要有情感的存在才會產生懷舊感,且Henderson(2000)也提到當人們的懷舊、記憶與映像被喚起時,地方感才產生意義,因此在探討地方連結時,懷舊情感或許可以幫助我們了解地方連結,但是目前國內外同時探討地方連結與懷舊情感的研究並不多。因此本研究首先透過文獻回顧了解懷舊情感、懷舊傾向與地方連結三者之相似之處,接著透過實證研究的方式探討三者間的關係,並由三段實驗所組成。 首先根據懷舊情感的定義:對過去的渴望情感、以及當下不可得的狀態,可以瞭解懷舊之必要條件之一為情感。因此利用地方連結測量情感的有無以驗證環境懷舊情感中是否需要有老舊元素存在,用以幫助瞭解在探討環境感受的同時,對於使用者來說,情感的有無才是懷舊感產生的關鍵,而並非只是單純的仿舊或仿古;實驗二,使用五大人格特質量表中的神經質角度探討地方連結與懷舊情感間的關係,從較基礎的人格特質角度瞭解懷舊傾向與地方連結間的關係,首先懷舊傾向高的人被視為是需要歸屬且情緒不穩定的,而Lewicka(2013)認為地方連結可以做為提供歸屬感的來源,因此本實驗推論懷舊傾向較高的人會傾向與地點建立較強烈的情感;結果證實個體的懷舊頻率較高且較重視懷舊體驗會導致個體與特定地點建立較強的情感以獲得歸屬感。最後實驗三以更積極的研究方式,透過實驗控制的手段,比較一系列影像合成的景觀照片中懷舊元素的有無對地方連結的影響,瞭解個體在特定環境中對於特定懷舊景觀元素的反應,以探討懷舊景觀元素加強人地情感的可能性,並引入懷舊傾向做為干擾變項,瞭解是否較常懷念過去且認為懷舊經驗較重要者,在面對懷舊景觀元素時,會影響其對地點的地方連結情感。實驗結果除了以影像合成的方式再次驗證實驗一與實驗二的結果,即懷舊感與懷舊傾向皆會個別正向影響地方連結的產生,也證實懷舊傾向作為干擾變項會影響懷舊感對地方連結的影響力,即平常較重視懷舊體驗與較常進行懷舊行為的個體,在受到環境中懷舊景觀元素的刺激時,會對該環境產生較高的情感依附。 本研究在理論上的應用除了透過文獻回顧的角度瞭解地方連結及懷舊感的概念具有相當程度的相似處之外,也補充先前同時探討懷舊與地方連結兩者關係文獻中所缺乏之實證研究。本研究在實務上可應用於空間之規劃與管理,由於現今社會快速變遷,不僅使生活環境全球化,更造成生活環境景觀均質化的現象,過往小時候我們所熟悉的生活環境被快速淘汰,取而代之的是新穎、便利、及外貌一致性高的生活環境。這不僅對現代人產生無形的生活壓力也使得自身過往生長環境所產生的認同感受到威脅;近年來盛行之懷舊風潮或許就是因應而生的現象,透過回顧逝去的美好,保持個人連續感。根據研究結果發現一個地點之所以產生懷舊感,重點在於情感的有無,而非老舊感元素的存在,也就是說根據懷舊感的定義對過去的渴望情感來看,環境的外在特徵是現代或是老舊並不重要,要成為會被個體懷舊的地點,重要的是必須是已成過往且當下不可得的狀態,且個體必須要透過學習、自身經驗或口頭傳達的方式產生對於該地點的情感,而懷舊傾向也會使懷舊感對地方連結的影響產生差異。


With the changing of times, increasing globalization not only brings the ease of information transmission, it also causes the homogenization of the global landscape, making the regional differences gradually disappear. This has sparked the nostalgia for a particular location, and an active desire for the particularity of place. Nostalgia concept has been widely used in consumer preference measurement researches, which focused on values of the mood and emotions of individual’s nostalgia for the entity. Existing literature about nostalgia mainly focus on values of the feelings and emotions of the individual nostalgia, but explorations on emotion of environmental nostalgia are still inadequate.Holbrook and Schindler (1991) defined it as "a preference (general liking, positive attitude, or favorable affect) toward objects (people, places, or things) that were more common (popular, fashionable, or widely circulated) when one was younger (in early adulthood, in adolescence, in childhood, or even before birth)". When people mention nostalgia, memory and image is aroused, where it produces a sense of place (Henderson, 2000). Therefore, nostalgia may help us to understand place bonding. The current study suggests that nostalgia of environment might be a continuation of emotional bonding to the places in the past. To a certain extent, an individual’s sense of nostalgia, generated from environmental experiences, should be related to their own relevant experience. And in the nostalgia relevant literature, nostalgic proneness as individual characteristics also often used to discuss the impact of individual personality traits influence factor. The nostalgic proneness ones are considered need to belong and emotional instability. And place bonding can be used as a source to provide a sense of belonging (Lewicka , 2013). Therefore, this study also inference nostalgic proneness and place bonding between a positive correlation. The influence of nostalgia on place bonding was investigated in three experiments. The first experiment used online photo reference survey. Respondents were asked to provide their nostalgia and place bonding toward two type of environments, the old ones and the modern ones. The results showed that the sense of nostalgia of the place higher, then caused the place bonding higher. In the second experiment, an on-site survey was conducted, the respondents were asked to respond their nostalgic proneness, neuroticism and place bonding . The results supported the hypothesis that nostalgia proneness have positive correlation with place bonding. In the third experiment, a photo reference survey was conducted for the purpose of study. Respondents were asked to provide their nostalgia proneness then responded place bonding and nostalgia feeling toward two different places. The results showed that when the photos have nostalgia elements, people will have higher place bonding. The results supported the hypothesis that nostalgia is an emotional bonding toward the place in the past,and can serve as a measure of place bonding factors, which would contribute to the design and planning of nostalgic landscapes or nostalgic districts.


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