  • 學位論文


Development and Applications of Multifunctional Electrolysis Bactericidal Automatic System

指導教授 : 方煒


本研究自製批次式與連續式無隔膜電解氧化水 (EOW) 產製系統,以電解電流效率為判斷指標,透過系統化探討多樣電極材料與多個電解質濃度,陰陽極均選用鍍白金的鈦板為工作電極,使用飽和食鹽水為電解工作濃度,兩系統均可快速大量產製具抑菌效力的電解水。 本研究亦開發離子交換樹脂的調酸單元,可應用於反應法產製次氯酸 (HOCl) 的流程,更可與建立的批次式與連續式無隔膜電解水產製設備相結合,將原來產出的弱鹼性電解水調整成弱酸性,在不犧牲自由氯 (FAC) 濃度的前提下大幅提升了次氯酸的含量,達到提高抑菌力與降低腐蝕性的雙重優異性。 研究亦探討自由氯在不同pH下的型態變化,針對反應式次氯酸水生成機制進行電腦模擬與驗證,亦研製量測範圍在3 ~ 300 ppm之間的可攜式自由氯量測儀器,以便於在電解水生成流程中提供即時的量化數據。此儀器所需的量測時間只要1分鐘,與傳統的DPD檢測法相比不僅非常方便且不需使用檢測藥劑,克服傳統檢測方法所伴隨之環境負擔。 本研究所開發之連續式電解水產製設備安裝於雲林縣斗南鎮農會根莖類作物收穫後處理廠,負責讓清洗槽內容量達四噸的水體整天維持具有30~50 ppm的自由氯濃度,該清洗槽需定時排汙,整天的用水量可達10噸。結果顯示連續式電解水產製設備可符合工作需求,維持整天的水體於30 ~ 50 ppm 的自由氯濃度,抑菌效果也達90 %,後續可提高自由氯濃度或加入調酸機制以提升抑菌能力。 本研究建立的系統不僅設備成本與操作成本均相對低廉,對人體與環境亦不會造成傷害,兼具環保與經濟等多樣優勢,可供應醫療、食品、生物相關產業等大面積消毒、生物安全與抗菌防疫用途。


A self-made batch type and a continuous type membrane-less electrolysis oxidizing water (EOW) generation systems were developed. Electrolysis current efficiency was used as the index to systematically investigate on various types of electrodes and electrolyte concentrations of solution. Both systems were capable of massively producing bactericidal water using titanium plate coated with platinum as the working electrodes and the saturated solution of NaCl as the operating concentration. An acidity adjusting unit was developed to promote the bactericidal capability of EOW. The unit can be used in either electrolysis or chemical reaction types of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) producing procedures, in order to alter the weak alkalinity into weak acidity EOW, thus, increasing the proportion of HOCl without reducing free available chlorine (FAC) concentration. By doing so, the bactericidal capability can be improved and the corrosiveness of EOW can be reduced. A model capable of simulating combination of components of free available chlorine (FAC) under various pH levels was developed and validated. This is the core technology of the reaction type HOCl producing procedure. A sensing device was developed capable of measuring 3 to 300 ppm FAC concentrations. The device can be used in the system developed in order to provide real time FAC information. The measuring time required is 1 minute which is not only much better than the traditional DPD method, but also better to the environment for there is no chemical agent or reagent required for the measurement. The continuous type EOW system developed in this study was installed in a postharvest processing plant of Dounan Farmers’Association, Yunlin county of Taiwan. The aim was fulfilled to keep the FAC concentration of the water within the wet hopper, containing 4 tons of water, in the range of 30 ~ 50 ppm. Due to the periodic discharge of the polluted water, the daily usage of water is about 10 tons. At present, the bactericidal efficiency was 90%. The FAC concentration of the EOW can be higher and the acidity adjusting unit can be attached for future improvement. The self-made EOW systems developed in this study were cheap in fixed cost and operating cost, the EOW generated has no harmful effects on people as well as environment. Thus, making the EOW much suitable for massive or wide area applications when compare with traditional chemical disinfectants. The EOW systems developed in this study can have great potential in medical, food processing, and bio-industrial applications.


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