  • 學位論文


The development of the financial institutions and financial supervisory system in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳思寬


本論文主要目標,在於了解我國金融機構之發展趨勢及監理機制之演變。自1980年代開始,全球金融自由化及全球化已成為普遍的趨勢。金融控股公司的紛紛成立及金融商品的多元化,讓全球金融市場更形多元化,我國金融市場也在1990年代初期開放新銀行成立,以及逐漸解除金融商品限制下,大大提升金融服務品質,並使金融機構競爭日趨白熱化,透過了解日本英國韓國及美國的金融監理制度可以發現,金融監理一元化將可解決多元監理機制之不一致及無效率性,並提升金融監理品質。 我國現行有15家金控公司,在金融機構合併及跨業經營風氣漸盛之下,金融機構監理日趨複雜及具挑戰性,因此我國需要一個單一的金融監理機構。2004 年7 月1 日行政院金融監督管理委員會成立,並成為我國主要的金融監理機構,邁向金融監理一元化。金管會成立的目的,在於統合銀行證券及保險等金融業務之監理機制,並成為我國跨部門之金融檢查機構。此外,在金融海嘯以後,如何與國際接軌避免類似金融危機再次發生,亦是金管會的重要課題。金管會在我國金融發展史上,亦將扮演極為重要的角色。


This paper aims to figure out the trends and supervisory system of the financial institutions in Taiwan. Liberalization and globalization of the financial markets is a worldwide trend since 1980s. The raising of financial holding companies and the innovations of financial commodities constitutes the diversified financial markets of the world, and liberalization including allowing the establishment of new commercial banks, and gradually lifting restrictions on financial commodities, has upgraded the quality of financial services and given rise to intense competition in Taiwan 's financial market since the early 1990s. By examining the financial supervisory systems of Japan、UK、Korea and US, it is clear to see that the integration of the financial supervisory framework could solve the problems such as inconsistency and inefficiency of divided supervisory frameworks. There are currently 15 financial holding companies in Taiwan. The emergence of financial consolidations and the increase of cross-sector business have made the supervision of the financial industry more challenging and complex, thus having a single financial regulator is necessary in Taiwan. The Financial Supervisory Commission was established on July 1, 2004. The primary objectives of the FSC are to consolidate the supervision of banking, securities and insurance sectors, and to act as a single regulator for all of these industries, and also carries out cross-sector financial examinations. With the international trend, the role of the FSC will become more important after the The financial tsunami of the world.


