  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 劉可強


台灣的民宿發展在近兩年成為發燒生活產業、改變生活方式的築夢神話,顯現了所謂「民宿狂潮」。本研究欲循由民宿產業中體現的生活風格,作為一種現象,進而討論這些風格形成的背後,個人、地方、產業上的種種轉變和相互作用。 本研究認為生活風格的體現不止是作為被消費的對象,民宿的經營、消費,就是一種生活風格的創製過程。這是一個動態的、不斷闡連的創製脈絡,新的意義持續地在「使用中生產」( production in use)。此外,研究意識也指向探求生活風格如何成為可辨識、仿效、選擇與複製的民宿空間、休閒活動等形式,外化於關係個體,又如何經由論述和詮釋,內化為經營者個體自身意義? 研究對象「民宿」兼具家與旅遊休憩空間的場所特質,除了是理想住居的體現,同時也是風土旅遊發展的實踐基點。透過不同的經營者,對於住與旅遊也有不同的定義、詮釋和作為,不論民宿經營、消費著重在住宿或旅遊,兩者所形成的網絡都構成了不同層次的意義系統,伴隨著論述的生產與各種被換置的想像。各種論述與想像某種程度在反映個人在現代生活情境中的認同匱乏、時空壓縮、地方感疏離淡薄等問題。放回當下台灣社會情境來看,民宿實踐和生活風格的關係反映了台灣社會中文化斷層、產業轉型、社區營造發展的局部困境。 研究經驗中發現,民宿主人是行動者、代理人,透過多元的作為,以各種方式闡連出獨有的意義體系,甚至建構出充實個人認同的生活論述。更因其關係著旅遊發展,及對於地方詮釋的必然介入,個人的生活論述進一步有機會詮釋地方意義,以行動者的凝視,持續促成新的地方感。經營者在過程中改變了主體性,也因而讓個我的生活風格和地方進一步的相互作用。 當下台灣民宿發展現象仍然混雜而多元,風格類型難以歸類。研究者認為民宿發展體現的生活風格�意義創製,在個人實踐與隱隱支配個人的知識�權力之間,宛如層疊交織的網絡,因應著不均的論述生產速率和路徑,也闡連出厚薄不均的個人認同與地方感。生產網絡宛如流動空間,歸屬於個人或地方的意義被生成,也漂流著尚未被內化或脫落出的想像。 在意義生成與想像漂流的過程中,本研究仍視民宿經營為一種蘊含創意的生活組合,有機會成為一個主體性塑造、生活風格創製的過程。也唯有生活風格被建立為一個對民宿主人有效的詮釋體系時,這個發燒產業才能超越產業的經營,發揮對於個人與地方的積極作用。


民宿 生活風格


The development of pension in Taiwan, so to say, “ Pension tide’ is prosperous in these two years. I would like to focus my research on the interaction and changes between persons, place and pension industry behind the lifestyles performed within the development. I regard the making of lifestyles not only product to be consumed, but also the process itself of the pension managing and consuming. It’s a moving and unceasingly articulating system with production of new meanings in use. Besides, I also want to request how lifestyles can be practiced as forms externalized from the subjects and as meanings internalized via discourse and interpretation? Pension consists of the characteristics of home and leisure space. It can be not only the practice of ideal dwelling, but also the base of development of local tourism. Different hosts define, interpret, and practice dwelling and tourism in their own ways. Therefore there are different systems developed around the two points with the production of discourses and displaced imaginations, which reflect the deficiency of identity of people, time-space compression, the thinning of sense of place. What’s more, the relationship between pension practice and lifestyle reflect the difficulty result from cultural break, transforming industry and community-based development. According to my experience, I found that the hosts of pension are activists and agents as well. They articulate unique systems of meanings and life discourses, which attribute to their own identities. The discourses, which involve the activist gaze, are like to improve the interpretation of local meanings and new sense of place. The subjectivity of the hosts change within the process, which induce the interaction between personal lifestyle and place. The phenomenon of pension development is still diverse and even in a mass, with lots of styles created that cannot be distinguished. I regarded the articulation of lifestyle and meanings as a layered system. Diverse identities and sense of place are articulated in unequal rates and different routes of articulation. The production system is just like a flowing space influenced by flows of power. There are meanings internalizing to persons and place, and also floating imaginations that be externalized. In this complicated process, I still concern the managing of pension as a creative kind of living, with the possibility to remodel subjectivity and articulate lifestyle. The popular business can only get beyond the managing level to affect person and place constructively if lifestyle can be constructed as an operative interpreting system to the host.


B&B lifestyle


王鴻楷 (1991)《台北市民生活方式,消費型態及空間選擇》。國科會專題研究,台北:台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所。
楊永盛 (2002)《遊客對宜蘭地區民宿評價之研究》。世新大學觀光學系研究所碩士論文。鄭玉蕙 (2000)《集體行動與地域性的再建構—以美濃返水庫運動為例》。國立台灣師範大學地理研究所碩士論文。


