  • 學位論文


Discussion about Makers flexibility and its creativity for product design.

指導教授 : 鄧建國 許峻誠


過去工業設計的一般作法就是期望透過設計,能夠大量製造產品,並同時降低產品開發的成本。近期自造者運動(Maker Movement)的興起,自造者文化(Maker Culture)帶來設計行業的衝擊,透過個人化數位製造機器與小型加工機具,如3D列印機、CNC機台、雷射切割機等等,便可以快速打樣甚至少量製造,帶來設計過程中更多的彈性。然而工業設計發展至今,設計的角色似乎被琳琅滿目的開放資源所取代,能否在創作時保有更多具個人特質的思索與製作之彈性呢?本研究藉由彈性之論述,找出變化、情感、關懷、互動為本創作的四個準則,且透過自身經驗的切入,聚焦於”移居”。延伸「移居」之意圖,探討「移居」時的四種狀態:一個人在家、一個人旅行、多人在家、多人旅行,並分別以:「與孤獨對話」、「Fighter打氣」、「詩。憶」、「旋轉的話」這四個作品來表現旅居時的因地制宜。期望透過文獻案例分析及創作之交互印證,以Maker的思維與精神,打破框架,得以率真坦然面對自己與外界,那麼在設計流程與創作設計上便得以更具有彈性。


彈性 Maker Maker思維 設計方法 旅居


In the past the general purpose of industrial design was expected to manufacture productions on large scale by design and also decreased the cost of development while mass production. Now the rise of Maker Movement, people can make testing models quickly or even manufacture in small quantity through the digital desktop machines, such as 3D Printing machine, CNC machine, Lacer cutting machine.The new making processes bring more flexible in Design.However, industrial design has developed so far,the role of design seems to be replaced by an array of open resources. Could we keep more personal characters keep more elastic in the process of producing? Maker culture brings a lot of impacts between design and manufacturing factory.Through the discussions of flexibility, the author aims to find out the four principles,which are change, emotion, care, interaction,then basing on own experience to focus on the “migration”.By extending the intention of “migration”,the author searches out the four states of “residence" which as following: one person at home, one person traveling, many people at home,and many person traveling. The author aims to express the flexibility while migrating by four work: “ Dialogue:loneness “ “ Fighting “ , “poetry poet” “ Rotating”. It is expected that through the interactions of documentary case analysis and creation, if the designer with the thinking and spirit of Maker, there is more flexibility in the processes and creations.


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