  • 學位論文


A Study on the Effects of Adopting Unified Communication System - A case study of H holdings Ltd

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


近年來,隨著「西進」、「南進」的積極腳步,再加上全球化風潮的推波助瀾,台灣企業的國際化程度愈來愈高,在海外佈建據點的比例亦持續成長。當工作型態與組織結構的變革,愈來愈多流程及任務必須藉由位在不同地點的團隊或人員來合力完成。為了該讓散佈在各地的員工,都能如同近在咫尺般地互動溝通、協同合作,克服國界時空的限制,於是有了〔整合通訊〕的發展。 透過整合通訊,各種不同的通訊工具整合在同一個平臺上,讓人與人之間在聯繫時,能夠以最有效率的方式進行,無論選擇哪一種通訊工具,都能透過單一的平臺,在最短的時間內聯繫上對方。屆時無論企業內的人員在哪邊工作,都能透過身邊最近的接收裝置,與企業內、外人員取得聯繫,並且即時獲得後端的資料,擁有無所不在的通訊環境。 當企業考慮導入整合通訊產品的策略時,往往對於導入整合通訊又會有一些些的考量及疑慮。譬如通訊產品的導入預期的經濟效益?導入對組織的影響?導入之作業流程有多少改變?導入後公司需要提供多少Resource呢?其KPI之訂定?導入多久才可看到效益的回收?建置成本預算標準如何估算? 本研究以TOE為理論架構,探討以技術構面、組織構面、環境構面,三個構面下影響企業導入整合通訊系統之研究,透過訪談的方式驗證在此研究理論基礎下,影響整合通訊系統的因素,並且分析其導入後所節省之成本以及效益。


Recently, with Taiwanese companies becoming increasingly more internationalized, the number of overseas offices continues to grow. As a result, more and more work flow and tasks must be collaborated by teams whose members are stationed at different locations, and accordingly the working style as well as organizational structure change. In this context, Unified Communication technology has emerged to help corporate employees spreading around the world communicate and collaborate in an efficient and effective manner. Under Unified Communication, a variety of communication tools are integrated on the same platform, which makes it arguably the most efficient way to connect with people within a business context. People can always contact each other through a single platform in a near real-time manner, no matter what kind of communication tool is chosen. Therefore people can work anywhere and still receive the latest information immediately through a device supported by the Unified Communication technology. An enterprise often has its considerations and concerns when it plans to adopt a new technology/service such as unified communication. For example, what are the expected economic benefits of deploying Unified Communication products? What are the tangible or intangiable impacts to the organization? How does it affect the current business processes? What and how resources should an enterprise devote into such an initiative? What are the appropriate KPIs? How long is the payback period? How to estimate the implementation cost? This research is based on the TOE theory to explore the affecting factors on Unified Communication adoption considering technological, organizational, and environmental dimensions. A case study approach was deployed by examining a multi-national enterprise. After interviewing the managers of the subject company based on the TOE theory, we identify the factors that affect successful Unified Communication adoption, and analyze the cost savings as well as benefits of Unified Communication adoption emerged.


3.Microsoft, (2007), Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Active Directory 指南, Microsoft, TW
4.Microsoft, (2007), Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Enterprise Edition 部署指南, Microsoft, TW
5. Microsoft, (2009), 整合通訊解決方案,
1. Andrews, C. (Sep. 2001),”Unified communication systems” Crossroads 8, (1), pp13‐17
7. Forrester Research, (2008), Unified Communications Offers Value To Small And Medium Businesses, http://www.forrester.com
