  • 學位論文


Community Construction and Gentrification in the Context of Globalization—— The Establishment and Shift of Yongkang Community Taipei

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


摘要 本文透過一個市中心的中上階層社區—台北市永康社區的建構與轉化,分析在當前的全球化脈絡下,地方政府對於社區營造與縉紳化的態度,以及,這兩個因素間的動態關係。作者一方面在台灣情境中接合縉紳化的理論概念,另一方面則試圖經由分析社區營造—縉紳化—全球化的動態關係,再理論化社會結構重置與空間轉化的過程,並藉此討論發展中國家剛浮現的市民社會,其所具有的資產階級性格。分析的路線有以下三條: (1)若對國家來說,縉紳化是扣連全球資本與文化網絡的重要策略,其是否亦為推動社區營造的預期目標之一?全球在地化是在地全球化的對策抑或手段? (2)在市民社會實為資產階級社會的認知下,若社區營造的重要目的之一,在於市民社會的浮現,其是否意同於資產階級意識形態的同化? (3)藉由空間的商品化、空間消費的精緻化,象徵/符號消費輕易滋長,於是社區營造成為全球資本主義體系的前線? 此處之縉紳化被重新理論化為「空間融蝕(Space Etching)」,意指透過資產階級意識形態的同化,社會結構微妙轉化,生產相對應的新空間,造成空間消費的精緻化,蝕刻著地景。 最後,作者認為,社區營造與縉紳化成為資本主義空間擴展的一種重要形式:由積極式規劃所推動的市民社會,將具備資產階級性格,即使成功建立新的文化霸/領導權,也其實難以真正碰觸被遮掩的生產關係;在受消費主義穿透的社會空間中,階級的錯置雖可望消弭階級衝突,卻無益於改變階級結構,並將加速擴大貧富差距。


Abstract This paper deals with kinds of attitudes local government taken toward community construction and gentrification, and the dynamic relationship between these two factors through a case of Yongkang community Taipei. The author try to connect theories of gentrification with the context of Taiwan, and retheorize the process of social replacement and transformation of space by analyzing the dynamic relationship of community-gentrification-globalization, then discusses the bourgeois character of the emerging civil society in a developing country. There are three paths of analysis: 1. If gentrification is one of important strategies connecting into the circuits of global capital and cultural circulation, is it one of purposes of community construction? 2. How could we distinguish the emerging of civil society from the spread of bourgeois ideology, with the recognition of “civil society is actually bourgeois society”? 3. If community construction becomes the front of consumerism for commoditilization of space and elaboration of space consumption? Gentrification is retheorized as “space etching” here. It means that social structure shifting delicately and producing fitting new space to make space consumption elaborating through the spread of bourgeois ideology. In conclusion, the author believes that community construction and gentrification have become an important form of expansion of the space of capitalism. The civil society encouraged by progressive planning will have bourgeois character. The relationship of production is still covered, even if they establish a new cultural hegemony successfully. The disorder of class may prevent class conflict, but has no use to shift the structure of class in consumer society, moreover, it will contribute to widen the poverty gap.


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