  • 學位論文


A Study of Urban Historic Irrigation Canals Representation of Space-the Revitalization of the Guang Hawn Section of the Liu Gong Canal

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


河川乃文化之命脈,兼具自然生態與人文景觀特色,它影響都市環境的總體發展,河川為都市紋理中最自然的有機體,於世界著名都市中,均被視為都市景觀的重要資源。透過規劃可以塑造令人流連忘返的”都市倒影”空間,使都市生活與水岸形成完美的契合。都市「歷史水圳空間再現」已成為都市再生、改善生態環境的重要議題之一。 台北市在都市化的環境變遷過程中,農業時期的瑠公圳水利設施已喪失其灌溉功能,原本縱橫交錯的歷史水圳空間,被徵收為公共用地或排污的渠道,遭填平、加蓋的命運,瑠公圳與台北市發展有著盤根交錯的歷史叢結。歷史水圳再現空間具有類似河川的生態功能與人文景觀特色,且相較於堤防外的河川而言,經規劃生態復育之再現空間,對都市居民更具親水機能、生態環境與景觀美感的價值。因此,城市的發展必須回歸到都市生態環境倫理的議題。 光華區段科、教、文空間的國際意象已成形,且存在瑠公圳水利灌溉產業遺址,因此,以光華區段瑠公圳再現,作為都市歷史水圳空間再現有其示範意義。以「誘導式結構」理論為研究方法,釐析資料作為立論基礎及研究參考,探討歷史水圳空間再現文化地景對都市生態與人文環境的影響。藉由空間再現改善都市環境困境的空間營造,構築都市環境具生態、人文景觀美學之流動空間,與歷史交織文化疊合的異質空間想像場所。以誘導式結構歸結提出「光華區段瑠公圳空間再現規劃設計準則」,最後推論出光華區段瑠公圳再現之空間情境規劃構想。


Rivers are the cradle of civilization having both natural and humanistic qualities. They affect the overall development the urban environment and are the most natural element in the urban fabric and are thus an important natural resource in the urban landscape. Good design can create unforgettable “urban reflectance” spaces that effectively combine urban life and the waterfront. Urban “Historic Irrigation Canals Representation of Space” has become an important topic in urban regeneration and improving the ecological environment. During the process of urbanization, the Liu Gong Canal of the agricultural period in Taipei has long ago lost its original irrigation function. The historic irrigation canals that once crisscrossed the city have been reclaimed as public land, made into sewage ways, filled in and built over. The urban development of Taipei and the Liu Gong Canal are intimately intertwined historically. The “Historic Irrigation Canals Representation of Space” has an affect similar to rivers with regard to their ecological and humanistic aspects and when compared to those rivers that lie hidden behind high levies, these canals can, with careful restoration planning, provide urban inhabitants with a more experiential, ecological and aesthetically pleasing experience. Therefore, the city’s urban development should return to the central issue of environmental ecologic ethics. The scientific, educational and cultural image of the Guang Hwa district has been internationally recognized and, added to this, the agricultural historic relic of the Liu Gong Canal; thus the Representation of Space of the Guang Hwa section of the Liu Gong Canal will become a landmark example of the restoration of historic urban irrigation canals. This study will utilize the “Heuristic Structure” method to analyze the data and create a basis for establishing theory and to study the impact such reclaimed water spaces have on an urban environment’s ecological and humanistic aspects. By using reclaimed irrigation canal space to create an ecological, humanistic fluid space from the urban plight that will intertwine with the more traditional heterogeneous urban space and a heterotopia that interweaves history and culture. Utilising the integrated research method this study will propose the “Guang Hwa Artistic Special Region Liu Gong Canal Rejuvenation Design Criteria” and present the Space of Representation planning concept for the Guang Hwa section of the Liu Gong Canal.


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