  • 學位論文


Estimating of River Pollution Loading-A Case Study for Bei-Shi River

指導教授 : 郭振泰
共同指導教授 : 陳彥璋(Yen-Chang Chen)


翡翠水庫主要供應大臺北地區400多萬人口之民生用水,因此如何達到水量與水質的保護目標,一直是管理單位最重要的任務及挑戰。本研究選擇翡翠水庫上游北勢溪及其最重要的支流魚逮魚堀溪、金瓜寮溪為探討的範圍,首先就此區域之水質水量、降雨及河川流量等水文水質資料作為背景敘述,接著採用美國環保署發展的BASINS模式中之非點源污染模式NPSM進行集水區非點源污染及傳輸量模擬。此外選用EPD-RIV1水質模式,配合BASINS所模擬之集水區資料來做水質模擬,以此推估河川的污染負荷量。 首先模擬民國94∼95年之水文,以94年資料檢定,並以相同參數驗證95年流量,證實模擬結果良好,確認其可靠性及適用性,再將暴雨採樣資料及年淤積量檢定驗證泥沙濃度,並以暴雨水質資料模擬水質狀態後,推估全年集水區污染物產量;另外執行水質模擬分析,將NPSM所推估之各集水區水質狀態作為EPD-RIV1各河道的水質邊界數入資料,同樣以暴雨採樣資料作為檢定驗證,以此推估全年河川的污染負荷量,做為提供集水區治理規劃之參考。


水質模擬 翡翠水庫 總磷 BASINS EPD-RIV1


The Feitsui Reservoir provides the Taipei Water Supply Region with a long-term source of water for domestic and industrial uses. To guarantee the water quantity and protect the water quality are always the major tasks and challenges for researchers and administrators. The study chose the Beishi Creek and the most important tributary Daryu Creek and Chinkualiao Creek to be the discussion region. First, according to the water quality and quantity, the rain and the quantity of the river. Then use the EPD-RIV1 model to simulate the water quality, and use the result to be the basis of the prevention program assess for the Ta-Han River basin. NPSM, one of BASINS models developed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA), is adopted in the study to simulate the transferred quantity of the river and non-point source of the drainage area. The discharge was calibrated with the data in 2005, and verified with the data in 2006, for confirming that the model can be used in this study. Suspending solids and water quality was simulated with the sample data of storm, then the total pollutant loading of the drainage area could be estimated for watershed management.


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