  • 學位論文


Factors of Isoprene Production from Ornamental Plants

指導教授 : 張育森
共同指導教授 : 孫岩章(En-Jang Sun)


植物在行光合作用、淨化空氣的同時,也可能釋放出生物源揮發性有機物,其中以異戊二烯的釋放為大宗。本研究擬針對常見的綠化植栽種類進行異戊二烯排放量的檢測,並進一步探討環境因子及化學藥劑種類對於異戊二烯釋放量的影響,期能建立本土性綠化植栽的異戊二烯釋放情形之基本資料。 本試驗使用聚丙烯枝條套袋圍封法,以火燄離子化檢測器進行分析,檢測結果顯示:在常見的78種綠化植栽中,依分類為桑科的榕樹、薜荔等12種、楊柳科的垂柳及水柳、蘇木科的羊蹄甲及金邊黃槐、棕櫚科的孔雀椰子、小薜科的南天竹及樟科的錫蘭肉桂等合計19種綠化植栽檢測出有異戊二烯的釋放情形,其餘的59種植栽種類則皆未能檢測到釋放情形發生。 進一步探討光線、溫度、水份及節位等因子對楓香異戊二烯生成之影響。隨著遮光程度的減少,異戊二烯釋放量有逐漸增加的趨勢,至全日照(遮光0%)時有異戊二烯最高的釋放量(92.2μg.g-1.h-1);日夜溫25/20℃時釋放量較少,30/25℃明顯上升,尤其35/30℃時有最高的異戊二烯的釋放量(28.7μg.g-1.h-1);缺水時異戊二烯釋放量明顯上升,在第五天有最高的釋放量(36.7μg.g-1.h-1),爾後逐漸降低;在節位方面,以靠近中段的6-10節有最大的釋放量(10.0μg.g-1.h-1),其次為基部的11-15節(8.0μg.g-1.h-1),由枝條頂端算起1-5節的釋放量為最低(4.6μg.g-1.h-1)。 楓香在處理Ethephon (100ppm)後檢測不出有異戊二烯的釋放;處理CaCl2(0.01M)、Fosmidomycin(4μM)及Jasmonic acid(10μM)後,異戊二烯釋放量由對照組的53.7μg.g-1.h-1降為1.3μg.g-1.h-1、0.5μg.g-1.h-1及2.2μg.g-1.h-1;而在處理Salicylic acid(1mM)後,異戊二烯釋放明顯增加約5倍的釋放量。楓香在50℃水浴30分鐘後的熱傷害值較能區分出處理間之葉片熱穩定性的差異,在對照組的熱傷害值大約在25.4%,抑制異戊二烯的釋放後,熱傷害值提高至33.7%;楓香植株處理Fosmidomycin(4μM)後先在40℃下處理60及120分鐘後,再以葉片進行50℃水浴熱致死時間試驗,在處理60分鐘後,熱致死時間約40.4分鐘後熱傷害值達到50%,而對照組在約44分鐘後才達到50%;處理120分鐘後,熱致死時間約在2.5分鐘即達50%熱傷害值,且在5分鐘內迅速升高至100%,由此間接證明經由異戊二烯的釋放可增加耐熱性及提高膜的穩定性。


Biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOCs) especially isoprene can be emissioned by some plants. This study was designed to measure the isoprene emission in ornamental plants and to probe the influence of the environmental and chemical factors on isoprene emission in order to build the database of isoprene for the local plants. In this study, isoprene emission was measured in plants by PP plastic bag enclosure method in combination with GC-FID. Emission of isoprene were examined in 78 species of ornamental plants. Among them, isoprene emission could be detected in 19 species and bot be detected in 59 species. Effect of light , temperature and water on isoprene emission in Liquidamber formosana were measured. The results showed that the isoprene emission in plants increased with the light level. The shading degree lower to 0% had the highest isoprene emission (92.2 μg.g-1.h-1) and the increased emission with reduction of shading degree. During day/night temperature treatment , isoprene emission were low at and below 25/20℃ treatment and the emission became significant increased during 30/25~35/30℃, especially at 35/30℃(28.7 μg.g-1.h-1).Isoprene emission in plants increased after water stress treatment and the highest emission (36.7 μg.g-1.h-1) appeared at the 5th day, but the emission began decreasing at the 6th day. Regrading the isoprene emission on position of plants, the highest emission (10 μg.g-1.h-1)were on 6-10 nodes of medial shoot, then on 11-16 nodes of basic shoot had 8.0 μg.g-1.h-1 and emission on 1-5 nodes of top shoot were lowest. After Ethephon spraying, isoprene emission could not be detected in Liquidamber formosana. Spraying with different chemicals including CaCl2(0.01mol/L), Fosmidomycin(4μM) and Jasmonic acid(10 μmol/L), isoprene emission in plants was decreased to 1.3,0.5 and 2.2 μg.g-1.h-1 respectively, as compared with control treatment(53.7 μg.g-1.h-1).Isoprene emission from plants increased approximately 5 time after salicylic acid(1 mmol/L) treatment. Thermo stability for Liquidamber formosana by measuring the electrolyte leakage at 50℃ water bath for 30 minutes showed relative injury was 33.7% after Fosmidomycin(4 μM) spray treatment as compared with control treatment(25.4%).The plant was put under 40℃ for 30 and 120 minutes combination Fosmidomycin(4 μM) treatment and measure heat-killing time at 50℃ used leaf tissue by electrolyte leakage method.At 40℃ for 60 minutes , heat-killing time was 40.4 minutes after fosmidomycin spray , compared to the control(44.0 minutes),and during 120 minutes of 40℃ the heat-killing time was 2.5 minutes compared to the control(29.0 minutes). From these evidences, it is proved that plant can increase heat-tolerance and maintain membrane stability for plant.


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